Chapter 2

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I flinch and grind my teeth. "Don't touch me with your filthy hands!" I whisper yell and slap the person's hand away from my shoulder. I feel tears forming in my eyes and I turn around. I start hyperventilating and walk towards a counter to rest on. Instead, I find myself against a wall.

'He placed his hand on my shoulder and turned me to face a door. "This way. My friend will get you in contact with the MPs." He said. I felt uncomfortable under his touch but didn't complain because he was helping me.

"Thank you." I repeat again to the blonde.

"My pleasure." He smiles and I return it.'

"Eve." I feel someone else gripping my shoulders and moving me, trying to get my attention. I start blinking rapidly and then see Myra's worried face staring at me.

What was I doing?

Immediately, I snap out of it and shrug my chef away. "Myra, I'm fine, thank you. Please don't touch me next time." I mutter.

"No." She says, as stubborn as usual. "You went completely blank. Shaking as if the temperature dropped. Your eyes looked like life was sucked out of them. Your expressio-"

"Myra, stop talking about it." I interrupt her.

Okay, maybe that's a little rude, but can she please stop talking about it?

I dust off some imaginary dust from my uniform and walk over to the sink. I scrub my hands with soap and hot water, making sure to get out all dirt on my hands or in my nails. I quickly stop when I notice my hands turning red and then dry them with a cloth. I'm about to exit when I look up and I make eye contact with Levi.

Oh. I forgot he was here.

And he saw everything.

Embarrassment washes over me and I look away, crossing my arms, "Please leave my kitchen." I glance at him and see his facial expression blank, per usual. I make sure not to make any contact with him and walk back to the dining room. I take my seat again and space out, ignoring the heated discussion at hand.

I hate the Military Police.

I hate Eren Jaeger.

I hate Levi.

I hate my life.

I notice a glass of red wine being placed in front of me and I immediately grip it and take a sip.

This stuff is just too good.

"So what's your opinion Eve?" Nile suddenly asks, bringing me back into the conversation.

"I think we should leave the boy alone." I reply, swirling my drink around.

That will confuse them.

"Let him roam free?" One of the Rich Fucks asks me. I raise an eyebrow at him then shake my head.

"Let the oh-so obsessed Survey Corps keep the boy. He's out of my way, out of yours. I believe any decent squad leader can kill the boy if he tried anything." I say before drowning the rest of my drink.

"Obstructi-" The Rich Fuck's eyes widen. I turn and glare at him.

"I'm not obstructing any law. If I am safe, and you are safe, then we can help the people. If we aren't then it's no good is it? I can't help the civilians if I'm bleeding out. Now, I wouldn't need to help too much if you Ri-" I start.

"I think that is a good point Eve." Nile interrupts me again and gives me, yet again, another pointed look. "Eve has not obstructed any law. She still values the people's lives over hers, but she needs hers to do so. I still believe we should cut up the boy though." Nile shrugs.

"And who will cut him up?" I ask.

"What a morbid question." Someone says. I look in the direction of the voice and notice it belongs to Levi.

"Who will cut him up?" I ask again, ignoring him.

"We never decided on cutting him up." Erwin narrows his eyes at me.

"No, you didn't. But if Nile's request does become reality, I want to know who's holding the scalpel. Anyone but me." I shudder at the thought of seeing some weird intestines in the boy.

"I have made my decision." Zackly speaks up. We all quiet down and look at him patiently. "There will be a court hearing. Develop your points and present them later. That is all."

Myra enters and presents everyone with a meal. Fish with a side of salad. When she gets to me, she hands me a small plate with a smile and I look at her warily.

Everyone starts eating and we enter a comfortable silence. I'm first to finish, due to my small meal of just a salad and lookup. The first thing I notice is a pair of steely eyes staring at me.

Captain Fucks Himself.

I glare at him for a while but he then looks away and finishes eating.

"So Eve, how come I've never met you? How old are you?" Section Commander Hange Zoe asks me with a warm smile, she's also finished her food.

"I'm not sure why we haven't met. I've met Erwin on a numerous amount of occasions. Where's Mike?" I suddenly remember the tall man.

"Watching over the HQ. You didn't answer my question though. How old are you?" She further questions.

I chuckle, "You don't actually expect me to give you my age right?"

"It was worth a shot. You can't be older than 20 right?" She tilts her head.

I hand her a confused look, "Of course I'm older than 20."

"You might as well be 12." Nile speaks up and starts chuckling.

"What makes you say so?" I glare at the stupid man beside me.

"No, no, no. I've seen 12-year-olds taller than her." Hange adds and joins Nile in laughter.

"Excuse me, are you harassing me because of my height?" I stare at Nile and Hange.

"I've seen 12-year-olds smarter than Nile." Zackly comments and nods at me.


Nile suddenly stops laughing and stares at his now empty plate. "Well, I'm actually offended by that comment." He mutters. I smile at Zackly.

One of the only men I can actually tolerate and not freak out around.


Phobia - A Levi x Original Character StoryWhere stories live. Discover now