The Gang's All Here

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As Sonic was battling the robot, Chris took off driving leaving Sonic, then two policemen stopped them and forced to them to get out of the car

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As Sonic was battling the robot, Chris took off driving leaving Sonic, then two policemen stopped them and forced to them to get out of the car.

"Hey! Step out the car with your hands up!" said the police.

"Listen, there's something weird happening here, and I didn't drive it. It was a hedgehog." Chris tried to explain.

"These kids are really on drugs.Alright you two you're coming with us." said the officer woman. Suddenly, Bokkun came out of nowhere and scared the two police officers off.

 Suddenly, Bokkun came out of nowhere and scared the two police officers off

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Chris and Sarah were being chased by Bokkun who then pantsed Chris.

"Hahaha." Bokkun laughed.

"He's got me. He's got me! He's going to kill me!" Chris said as he tries to kick Bokkun off of him. He starts to run, but Bokkun was still chasing after him. Bokkun jumps on Chris and said, "Get off of me your freaky thing!" Sarah was about to cut his head off, Chris punted away.

"Not so tough without a head, are you?" Chris kicked Bokkun head away.

"You haven't seen the last of me!" Bokkun said.

They heard a loud explosion and it turns out Sonic defeated the robot.

"Here, come on." Chris said to Sarah as they try to find Sonic.

Chris and Sarah approached to the hedgehog who looks unharmed from the fight.

"What is it, again?" Sarah said.

"It's a hedgehog. Like a different... You know, like an alien mutant super powered hedgehog. He's probably from Japan. Yeah, he's definitely from Japan." Chris said.

"What's he doing?" Sarah said as Sonic walk towards them.

"Whoo! That was one heck of a battle wasn't it?" Sonic said.

"How did you do that? How did you stop that robot." Chris said.

"Oh, this little baby right here. My great pal made it for me. Let's just say it give me super strength." Sonic said as he kept flipping the ring.

"A ring that will give you super strength to kill a giant droid. This is the strangest day I've ever had." Sarah said.

"I forgot to ask you this. What was that last night?" Chris said.

"I somehow time warp here, from my own planet and I came here from the sky." Sonic said

"Visitors from heaven or something? What are you like a guardian hedgehog or something?" Sarah said.

"You know, you maybe right. I guess I can be. Anymore questions you wanna ask?" Sonic said.

As soon, as Sonic, Chris and Sarah left in the car, Bokkun head was still unscrewed.

"Oh Dr. Eggman will kill me for this." Bokkun said as he got a message from Eggman and he teleports him back to the fortress.

"The hedgehog is a pretty good driver." Sarah said.

"Thanks." Sonic said.

While Sonic was driving with the two teenagers, Chris had shotgun, but Sarah was sitting the backseat. Chris suggested that she can sit on his lap.

"You know you can sit on my lap." Chris suggested.

"Why?" Sarah said.

"Well, I only have a seatbelt, here. You know safety first." Chris said as Sarah agreed, then admitted to him it was a smooth move on his part as they snuggle together.

"Fine. You know that's a smooth move to do, you know. You know what I don't understand, how can super speedy hedgehog can run fast, but still drives a car?" Sarah said as Sonic had his eyes rolled.

"You know I can hear you right?" Sonic said.

"Nothing personal." Chris said.

Sonic took the teens to an observatory, because Sonic sense something over.

"Hey, Sonic what are we doing here?" Chris said.

"I think I see something." Sonic said.

"See something where?" Sarah said.

"Up there." Sonic said as he pointed to the sky.

They see four shooting stars entered Earth's atmosphere, during which Sarah instinctively reached out for Chris's hand

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They see four shooting stars entered Earth's atmosphere, during which Sarah instinctively reached out for Chris's hand. Each of the shooting starts went in different directions and it turns out that the shootings stars are actually Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Cream. Tails crashed land in his Tornado 2 at an Air Craft Museum. People at the diner heard the loud crash and rushed over there to see what's going on?

"Oh my god, dude! This is the coolest thing I've ever seen! Wow. Explosions everywhere. This is hundred times cooler than the Michael Bay's Transformer movies. Wow this museum is screwed now. I hope the owner got astroids insurance." said a young customer as he rush to the scene.

Tails awakens from his damaged airplane and I have no clue where he was. He notice his Tornado 2 has a broken wing and can't started so he looks around and see an air craft and decides to get it to work. He successfully got the engine to work. He takes off in the new air craft as the people and the fire department look at the yellow fox fleeing away.

"What is that?" said a teenage boy.

"There's something in the air ship, dude." said another teenage boy.

"Grand Theft Aircraft, dude." said the teenage boy.

Amy Rose lands at a Victoria Secret store and looks around at the scenery.

"Ohh, too risqué for my likening." Amy said as she pick up a black and purple bra and throws it on the ground.

She walks out of the store and tries to figure out where she was. Cream and Cheese land on a big  pile of roses at a Plant Nursery.

"Cheese, where are we? Oh pretty." Cream said as she picked up the red rose.

Knuckles land in a family pool, he gets out of the pool and wanders in the backyard. Then they were escorted to an abandoned alley, where they meet Sonic friends.

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