Rouge in Washington

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Back in Washington D.C., Rouge has landing in a Base area not knowing where she is.

"Where am I? This doesn't look like home at all." Rogue groaned.

Suddenly all the military officer came out surrounding Rouge with their guns on her.

"Hey, hey. Easy gentleman. I just got here. Is this how you treat a lady?" Rouge said as she had her hands up.

"What the hell is that?" said the military officer.

"I don't know, looks like a talking bat lady." said the other military officer.

"What are you and what is your name?" said the commander.

"I'm Rouge. Rouge The Bat." Rouge said.

Back at Pentagon, Maggies tries to sneak out of the building with the SD memory card chip with the frequency date on it, but she is stop by the FBI assault team and later was arrested. The military team has taken Rouge along with Maggie in a holding room at the Pentagon, Maggie observed at Rouge appearance.

"What are you some type of Bat-Thing?" Maggie said.

"I'm a bat alright, but I prefer to be called as Rouge. What are you in for?" Rouge said.

"I stole a hacking information on a frequency data." Maggie said.

"You mean have something in common, except I don't steal computer things. I steal jewelry." Rogue said.

"Well you kinda dress like a cat burglar jewel thief." Maggie said.

"I'm not a cat. I'm a bat!" Rouge exclaimed.

Suddenly, the Federal agents entered the room, and start asking them questions.

"Boy, I could really go for a cup of coffee." Rouge said.

"What? Listen, Missy, this isn't a country club hearing you're in deep trouble." said the federal agent.

"Yeah, yeah so I heard, but all I wanted is a cup of coffee is that too much to ask?" Rouge said.

"Just get her a cup of coffee. And as for you, Miss Maggie Merrium, you stole all the hacking information to the control system, you know that's a federal offense, do you?" said the agent.

"I know, but please listen. Okay, whoever hacked into the satellite system, is planning on some type of takeover or something, alright. It was someone name, Ivo Robotnik and someone filmed an alien being named Thorndyke. You have to let me talk to the Secretary of Defense, before this Robotnik person start a world domination in California!" Maggie said.

"Hmm. I pretty much now this Robotnik guy." Rouge said as she takes a sip of coffee.

"Tells us everything you know." said the agent.

At Chris home, Chris parents watched the news on Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Amy and Cream arrival to Earth.

"Whatever fell out of the sky from a mystical blue light last night , appears to be a 'Supersonic Speed Demon'  which was seen on a police helicopter video has the city baffled." said the news reporter. "It was about this tall in it look like a freak." said a civilian. "I was doing about 60 when this thing went 'Ohhh' right beside me." said another civilian. "What the hell was that thing anyway, it was moving too fast to be a regular animal." said another civilian. "And tonight a meteor fell right here at the Museum of Air Crafts--"  said the news reporter as she was interrupted by a witness. "That wasn't a meteor that was an alien! It took off in it's ship! I told you they were real!" said the witness.

"Where is Chris?" said the mother.

"I don't know. We took his cellphone and so we can't get a hold of him." Daniel said. 

Chris arrived back to his house by driving his car as Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Cream were riding in Tails new aircraft in his backyard. Sonic arrived on foot. 

"I need you to watch them, okay. All of them." Chris said to Sarah.

Tails tries to park his new aircraft behind his backyard fence. 

"No, Tails you can't park your jet there." Chris said.

"Sorry, where else can I park it?" Tails said.

"Up on the roof, maybe?" Chris said as he rush to the back door before his father came outside.

"Well, you're here late." Daniel said.

"I know that I'm sorry and I'm sorry for your little fountain. You know what I'm gonna sweep the whole thing, since I'm still on punishment. How about that?" Chris said.

"You know, I bailed you out of jail, grounded you and then I just decided to do all of your chores." Daniel said.

"Well life ain't fair ain't it. You know what I'm gonna get the broom out and sweep all this mess up for you. I'm gonna get the trashcan and I'm gonna put the car back in the garage where it belongs." Chris said.

"Okay, then. I guess you're taking responsibilities for yourself now. Even though you're ground for two more months." Daniel said.

"Okay, all right. I love you! Sleep good, daddy yo." Chris said as his dad went back inside the house.

"Okay, come on. In the old garage." Chris said as he tells Sonic and his friends to hide.

Tails tries to move his aircraft in the garage, but he crashed Daniel's fountain. 

"No! no! Tails!" Chris said.

"Oops, sorry, my bad." Tails said.

"You couldn't leave your jet on the roof for five minutes?!" Chris said.

"Well thought, but then I would figure out that people would be suspicious seeing a jet on your roof." Tails said.

"Well you can't fit it in the garage, it's too big, just put it behind the fence." Chris said.

As Knuckles tries to walk in the garage, he is stop by Chris's cat who threw up a hairball on his shoe. 

"No, Miko! Not on the Echidna! God!" Chris yelled.

"That's gross." Amy said.

"Ugh." Knuckles said in disgust.

"No, no, no, no! Easy! Easy! Hold on. This is Miko. He's a pet of mine. He's a pet." Chris explain.

Knuckles growled at the cat and tries to fight it, but Chris tries to stop him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! You can't fight a cat. We love cat's here." Chris said.

"He threw up a ball of hair on my foot." Knuckles said.

"Oh. Bad Miko. Bad!" Chris said to the cat.

"Sorry, you know how cats are, they're like rebellion species." Chris said.

"So as Sonic." Knuckles said.

"You guys got to get in the garage. Now." Chris tells them as Sonic and his friends enter the garage.

"Listen to me, you guys have to stay here and be quiet. If my parents find you guys, they'll flip out. My parents got a temper and they can't have that. Just for tonight, okay?" Chris said as he close the garage door.

"This place ain't so bad." Sonic said.

"A cat? Really, Knuckles." Amy said.

"You shouldn't try to be violent against animals you know." Cream said.

"But we are animals and he... Oh, forget it." Knuckles said.

"Wow, look at all these tools. I think I'm gonna do a little work on the plane, tomorrow." Tails said.

"You sure about this kid, Sonic?" Knuckles said.

"Don't worry we can trust him." Sonic said.

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