Chapter 5: Not Alone

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-Caution: Small Trigger Warning-

The car pulls up to Anna's apartment. She climbs out slamming the door shut. She stops and looks at the car, seeing Brittany inside the car. The window was rolled down. The two look at one another. "Anna, call me if you need anything," Brittany spoke gently. Anna nods shoving her hands into her coat pocket. "I mean it, A. If you need me I'm one call away. Do not hesitate."

"Okay, I got it, Britt," Anna said with a small smile. "If I need you I got your number on speed dial." Brittany smiled and nodded.

"Okay. I'll talk with ya later." Brittany rolled the window up as the car drove away. Anna waited until the car had vanished before turning on her heels heading into the apartment complex. Step by step she made it to the elevator then to her floor. As she walked down the hall she felt tears well into her eyes. She felt her chest tighten. The tiny girl stops walking and leans against the wall to her right. She stays there a moment closing her eyes. For a moment it hurt like hell, but soon it stopped. Anna bent down slipping off her black heels holding them in her hand. She continued walking barefoot making it to her apartment.

The tiny brunette opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind her. She tossed her shoes to the side then started unbuttoning her coat, slipping it off. She glanced up and jumped back. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you," the voice spoke, gently. Anna's eyes teared up once again.

"Why are you-What is happening?" Anna asked. Y/N bit her lip sitting up on the couch watching Anna closely. Anna set her coat on the coat rack and started walking to the bathroom. Y/N stood hearing the door slam shut. She walked over and knocked on the door.

"Anna, I'm coming in," Y/N said through the door. No reply was heard so Y/N went to go through the door but fell backwards. "The hell?" The girl stood and tried going through the door again, but fell back down. Her mind went in a lot of different places until she heard Anna searching through cabinets. Y/N stood and began to pound rapidly on the door. "Anna open the door! Anna open the damn door!"

"Go away!" Anna shouted. Y/N shook her head and kept banging on the door. Her other hand grabbed the knob trying to twist and turn it to open the door. But it was locked.

"Anna please! Don't do what I think you're wanting to do! Anna it's not worth it!" Y/N's voice was raised with concern and pain. Silence filled the air as Y/N stopped banging on the door. "Anna, please. Don't do it. Let me in. Let's talk about this." Silence filled the air once again until a tiny click was heard. Quickly Y/N opened the door seeing Anna on the ground with her back against the wall. The girl grabbed the razor blade from Anna's hand and threw it outside the bathroom door. "What the hell Anna?"

"It was the only way," Anna spoke softly, with her head to the ground. Y/N shook her head.

"No, it's not!" Y/N paused rubbing her neck. "You're not going out like that, ever. Suicide isn't going to solve anything Anna. Death isn't going to help you."

"But I'd be with you!" Anna shouted picking up her head locking eyes with the teen girl. "I'd be with you and all my pain would be released. It'd be numb." The teen girl bent down shaking her head.

"Anna if you kill yourself, you'd only be hurting those who love you and care about you," Y/N spoke. "I wouldn't see you. You'd be in a different place."

"But..But you're dead. You're dead and-"

"Yeah, I'm dead. But I didn't chose this. You think I did?" Y/N looked down to the ground for a moment gathering her thoughts. She picked her head back up noticing the tears in Anna's eyes. "I fought for my life in that hospital. I fought not for myself but for you, Anna. But I bled out. The bullets erupted inside of me. I had no choice!" Anna's eyes went away from Y/N's as she dropped her head.

"I can't do it Y/N. I can't hold you. I can't kiss you. I can't feel you." Anna brought her knees to her chest hugging them tightly. Y/N sighed silently taking a seat next to the actress.

"You can still feel me Anna. I'm right here-" Y/N raised her hand and placed it over Anna's heart. Anna closed her eyes feeling the slight touch of chills. "And I'm always going to be there. But if you kill yourself, I will no longer be there. You have so much to live for. You have Brittany. Lucas and Asha would do anything for you because you all have me in common."

"I know. I know but it's so much." Y/N nods hearing Anna begin to cry. Y/N removes her hand from Anna's chest. Y/N grabbed Anna's phone and holds it in her hands quickly texting away. Anna lays down on the ground. The teen girl sets the phone next to her head and stands up.

"You'll be okay, Anna. Don't lose faith caterpillar," Y/N whispered as the front door to the apartment opened.

"Anna! Anna where are you?" Asha's voice spoke out, another voice echoed that belonged to Lucas. Anna stayed laying on the floor. Y/N walked to the door and out to see Lucas and Asha. Lucas's hair cut short than his medium sized hair he use to have. Asha's hair grew out. Y/N watched her two parents then knocked on the wall. Lucas and Asha's head spun looking towards Y/N's direction.

"Asha over here," Lucas spoke as the two came towards Y/N. They walked right past her. Not able to see her. "Oh god." Asha ran into the bathroom and got down on her knees picking Anna's head up setting it on her head. Blood poured out of Anna's arm. Lucas grabbed a rag and handed it to Asha. Asha quickly placed it over the cut mark and applied pressure among the wound.

Y/N watches for a couple moments before she makes her way to the front door walking out. Anna's eyes remained closed as Asha and Lucas waited for the bleeding to stop. "Lucas, see if she has any bandages." Lucas nods searching through the cabinets finding none. He exits the room and goes off. Asha looks down at Anna's face shaking her head. "We got you Anna. We got you. You're not alone." 

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