Chapter 8: Forehead Promise

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The girl walks towards her bed taking a seat at the end and laying back. Her eyes glued to the ceiling as she tries to control her breathing and her mind. As it races like a cheetah. Her leg begins to bounce up and down as she closes her eyes.

"Anna," a voice speaks. Anna jumps up looking to find Y/N standing up against the wall. "What the hell?"

"Y-Y/N?" Anna whispers pushing herself up off of the bed. The two lock eyes as Y/N glances to the ground. "I knew you'd come."

"Anna I'm always here," Y/N speaks uncrossing her arms taking a step forward. "They're trying to help you." Anna shakes her head not daring to look away. "I'm dead Anna. You have to move-"

"I'm trying Y/N! But I can't!" Anna shouts taking a step forward. "It's so hard to forget someone when you love them."

"Loved. I'm dead," Y/N corrected glancing towards the floor. Her eyes darted behind her next looking towards the door.

"You shouldn't of come out from hiding." Anna's voice lowered, her eyes glued to the floor. The young girl turned back around looking to Anna. "You wouldn't be dead. You'd still be alive with your parents. You'd be living as a normal teen for once."

"If I wouldn't of come out..." Y/N paused biting her lip. "If I wouldn't of come out you'd be dead. I wasn't going to risk that."

"You see why this is so hard? Y/N I love you. You should be here! In this house, in my bed that we could make ours! We should be in one another's arms." Anna walked towards the young girl as Y/N looked at Anna. But before the girl could reach her, Y/N reached towards the knob and opened it. Anna stood at the door face to face with Brittany.

"Who were you talking to Anna?" Brittany asked, walking in, placing her hands on Anna's shoulders. Anna shrugs them off walking away from Brittany. Brittany's blue eyes follow the tiny brunette as she walks towards the closet. "Anna, talk to me."

"You won't believe me, so it doesn't really matter," Anna spits, pulling out a backpack. She grabs a couple clothes and stashes them in the bag. Brittany rushes over and takes the bag away from Anna tossing it across the room. "What the hell Brittany?" Anna goes to run towards it when Brittany pushes the girl onto the bed.

"Stop! You need to talk to someone Anna!" Brittany's voice rises as she looks down at the tiny girl. "You're not talking to me or Asha or Lucas. You need to talk to someone Anna. It's been too long for you to be acting like this."

"Too long. It's been a month!" Anna shouts back getting to her feet. "I have a right to grief her...her death. Just because Lucas and Asha aren't acting like this doesn't mean that I'm crazy."

"Anna, nobody said you were crazy-"

"Maybe not but you all are thinking it!" Anna throws her hands in the air. "I'm not though. I seen her! I've felt her! She was just here, she opened the door!" Brittany's eyes softened and she shook her head. "She did Brittany!"

"Anna you opened the door. Your hand was on the knob..." Brittany looked back and forth between Anna's blue eyes that started filling with tears. The ginger took a step forward placing her hands around Anna's upper arms. "It's going to be okay. I promise you." The tiny girl shook her head from side to side sitting back down on the bed.

"I seen her...She told me that I needed to move on," Anna paused rubbing her eyes. "She told me that you guys were just trying to help..." Brittany walked over taking a seat next to Anna. She wrapped her arms around the tiny girl, as Anna rested her head on Brittany's shoulder.

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