Chapter 14: Figuring It Out

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"Okay, yes, yes, thank you," Asha spoke before pulling the phone away from her ear. She tossed the phone onto the coffee table and leaning back into the couch. Lucas walks over in his plaid pajama pants and no shirt. He takes a seat beside Asha and wraps his arm around her shoulders pulling her close.

"What are you doing up at 6 am?" Lucas asks, placing a gentle kiss upon Asha's head. Asha leans into her husband and shakes her head against his skin.

"Anna, she's missing," Asha answers. Lucas bites his lip. "They don't know if she escaped or if someone took her. And only being is because the cameras were down and apparently another patient, Lexi, is missing too."

"They're looking either way right?" Lucas questions sitting up a bit, his eyes planted on his wife. Asha leans away from the british boy and rests her hand in her hands.

"That's what they said but this feels too familiar Lucas," Asha pauses scratching her blonde hair. "Something just doesn't feel right."

"What are you-" Lucas stops as several pounds unload on the door. A heavy sigh escapes through Lucas's lips as he stands and walks towards the door, unlocking it and opening it up. There stood none other than Jake. "Jake?" The boy pushed past his brother in law and walked right into the living room, spotting Asha.

"Jake what are you doing here?" Asha asked rising to her feet. The boy doesn't answer as he pulls out his phone and clicks a few things, handing his phone to Asha. Asha took the phone and looked down her eyes widening and tears forming. She reaches her hand up cupping it over her mouth. Lucas walks over taking the phone from her hands looking at the message.

He escaped and has Anna.

"We don't even know where they are," Jake says watching Asha and Lucas put stuff into duffel bags. Rope, tape, guns, food, knives, etc etc. "Asha, Lucas. There's no plan here!"

"Jake, Dr. richards was in jail. We knew he'd try to escape eventually we just didn't know it would be so soon," Asha responds looking up from the pistol in her hands. She gives her brother a sincere look before returning to the gun.

"Right..." Jake lets his voice trails off thinking of something to say. "But you still have no idea where he's keeping her."

"You're right but we have a few ideas," Lucas answers zipping up a duffel bag and swinging it over his shoulder. Asha follows but hands the one she has over to Lucas. Lucas takes it and heads towards the door. "Look Jake, we're trained for this type of stuff. So if you're wanting to come we could really use you."

"For what?" Jake asked tilting his head. Asha walks over stuffing a pistol into a holster. She swings her arm over Jake's shoulders and they begin walking behind Lucas, out of the house and down to the car.

"We could really use the help of that guy who's messaging you," Asha said. "Plus, he could give us intel on everything happen along with your hacking skills you've been going to school for and grew up with, it would be beneficial all around."

"I guess but Asha-" Jake paused abruptly as Asha turned and grabbed his shoulders. Both of their eyes locked.

"Jake, things got bad last time I know. But you have to think positive and let the past go," Asha opens the back door to the black truck. "We have to get Anna back."

"For Y/N."

"Always." Asha gave a small smile before Jake nodded and hopped into the back seat, pulling the door shut. Asha turned and climbed into the passenger seat, while Lucas got into the driver's seat. "Brittany's not answering back."

"Doesn't she normally text back within a couple minutes?" Lucas asks, starting up the car. Asha nods her head looking at the text messages. "Maybe she fell asleep, or in a meeting."

"Maybe, but if I put Anna's name in the first sentence she usually answers no matter what she's doing," Asha said, clicking the call button. She puts the phone up to ear and within a second the phone goes straight to voicemail. Slowly Asha pulls the phone away from her ear. "Jake?"

"Yeah Ash?" Jake said, looking over the seat.

"Can you track Brittany's phone?" Asha turns around in her seat and Jake bites his lip. He pulls out his laptop from his backpack and starts typing. Asha looks back to her phone and tries again, feeling the truck going over a couple bumps. Once again the phone goes to voicemail. "It went straight to voicemail again."

"Her phone's turned off," Jake's voice comes out gently. Asha puts her phone down and looks to Lucas who already makes a right turn then a sharp left. Eventually the truck pulls up at an apartment complex.

"Jake stay in the car, message that guy back see if you can get anything out of him," Lucas says opening the car door. Asha climbs out too leaving the young boy in the car. Asha and Lucas run up to the apartment, firearms in holsters to their side.

"Lucas here," Asha points to room 246. Lucas nods walking up to it and going to knock when he sees the door cracked open. Slowly and goes for his gun pulling it out. His wife follows his lead and he pushes the door open slowly, pointing the gun in. The two head in and see the room ahead completely trashed. But they search every room finally meeting in the living room.

"She's not here," Lucas speaks, putting his gun up looking around. Asha nods her head already going through stuff. "Hey Ash." Asha turns and stands up walking towards Lucas. Lucas picks up a piece of paper and scans it quickly. "Looks like he took Brittany too." Asha takes the paper seeing a note.

Not much longer now. Better hurry up, Brittany's going to bleed out here soon.

Asha's eyes scan down the note and picks her hands up noticing blood stains. "Damn it," she mumbled folding up the note sliding it into her pocket. "Let's get back to the truck, see if Jake's got anything." Lucas nods and they head back out. Back at the truck they see Jake typing away.

"What happened? Where's Brittany?" Jake asks, looking up from his computer as Lucas and Asha climb into the car.

"He has her too," Lucas answers, backing up the truck beginning to drive. "You find anything Jake?"

"The guy I'm texting says he doesn't know exactly where they are but it's very secure and it's under the name, Lexi Richards."

"Lexi Richards?" Asha questions. Jake nods his head as the older sister turns around in her seat. "Anna was in rehab with a Lexi. Do you think-"

"Already ahead of you," Jake said, cutting his sister off typing away at the keyboard. "Yep. Same people. And Lexi apparently went missing the same time Anna did."

"Lucas who's Lexi?" Asha asks. "There was never a Lexi around at the facility. I remember almost everybody." Lucas remains silent continuing to drive the truck. Asha turns her attention to the man waiting for a moment. "Lucas?"

"Lexi is the daughter to Dr. Richards," Lucas responds rubbing his face and then focuses on the road. "So his daughter is wrapped up in this now too. Which means Brittany and anna are in more trouble than we thought."

"What do you mean?" Jake and Asha both ask. Lucas bites his lip and pulls off to the side of the road.

"Lexi is crazy-" Lucas pauses looking to the two siblings. "She's been sent to rehab multiple times for suicide, just being crazy in general and for going on a mass killing spree."

"But that's normal," Jake starts. "Dr. Richards killed all kinds of people just like we had too."

"Yeah but chosen people, Dr Richards had assigned us too. Lexi had a mind of her own though. She didn't like her dad's rules son one night she went out and killed 15 people before being caught by police."

"Jesus-" Jake mumbles while Asha shook her head from side to side. "Okay so what do we do know?"

"We try and find the girls' before Lexi gets out of control and just kills everyone." Lucas turns back to the steering wheel, starting the car back up. "See if you can track your friend's phone. I have an idea of where they might be. And then find anything in Lexi's name." Jake nods beginning to type away again. Lucas begins driving while Asha leans against the window with her mind swirling.

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