Chapter 21: A Better Place

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"You BASTARD!" Y/N shouted turning and looking to Dr. Richards. Dr. Richards stood to his feet, shrugging his shoulders.

"You know that's exactly what Anna called me before I killed her," Dr. Richards said, shaking his head. "What a shame?" He bends down beside Y/N and sets the gun beside the girl. "I tell you what. You want to be with your lover so much, then join her." Y/N looks away from Anna's body and looks to the gun. She stays still, as if she was frozen.

"Why don't you just do it yourself you sick bastard? You've already shot Brittany and you stabbed Anna. Why not just kill me and get the satisfactory?" Y/N speaks through her gritted teeth. Dr. Richards stays still and doesn't speak. Within moments the girl reaches down picking up the gun and pointing it to Dr. Richards. The man stands up, putting his hands into the air. "You fucking asshole."

"Do it Y/N. Kill me. Let the satisfactory build inside of you. Let it take you away. But know that no matter what you do to me, you're never getting Anna back." Y/N keeps her grip on the gun. Her eyes remain on Dr. Richards as tears slide down her cheeks. A pair of rapid knocks appear at the door, causing Y/N to jump. She keeps her hand still and her eyes set on Dr. Richards. Voices yell but all they are, are mumbled. "Do it Y/N. Just DO IT!" Within seconds Y/N places the gun to her temple. A smirk appeared on Dr. Richards lips as he tilted his head. Y/N's eyes glanced down to Anna who lay lifeless. Y/N shook her head slowly and shut her eyes, and right as the door bursts open the trigger is pulled and Y/N's body flies back. 

The door flies open. Lucas, Asha, and Jake running in bloody. Their eyes scan the scene, as a smile creeps to Dr. Richards lips. His eyes pick up from where Y/N's lifeless body lays. He looks to Asha, Lucas and Jake tilting his head, holding up his hands. 

"Looks like y'all a little late to the party," Dr. Richards smirks. Within an instance Lucas runs towards Dr. Richards spearing him onto the ground, attacking him left from right. His fists attacking the old mans face. Asha runs towards Y/N, dropping to her knees, tears running fast down her cheeks. Her hands resting on the girl's body. 

"Y/N?" A voice whispered. All heads except Lucas's and Y/N's went to the familiar blue eyed, brunette head. She sat up slowly, feeling her head spinning. Jake ran to Lucas, prying him off of the old man. Finally, when he succeeds, Dr. Richards laughs out loud, with blood smeared all over his face and continuing to drip down his face. But all eyes went to Anna's, who looked around seeing Brittany in the corner and then her eyes finally fell to Asha and Y/N. Within moments the brunette flies up and crawls over. She sits down beside the small, young girl and grabs a hold of her hand shaking her head from side to side. 

"She chose the easy way out!" Dr. Richards coughed out, slowly sitting up. Anna turned her head, glaring at Dr. Richards. "Told you she'd kill herself knowing you were dead." 

"But I wasn't! I wasn't dead but you made her do this! She was alive! She was okay and you took her youth from her!" Anna yelled, standing to her feet. She walked towards the man who slowly got to his own feet. "It was bad enough you made us all believe she was dead in the first place. Now she's really dead and you..." Anna stops and looks to everyone. "Everyone leave." Asha, Lucas and Jake look to one another. 

"Anna-" Asha starts but stops when Anna turns quickly. Tears and daggers rising in her eyes. Asha slowly nods her head up and down looking one more time at her dead daughter before standing to her feet and walking to the door, looking to her brother and husband. Lucas stood where he was, staring at Dr. Richards. Anna faced the man and reached over, taking the gun from his pocket. He looked to the small girl who gave the man pleading eyes. He slowly nods his head and walks towards the exit, following Asha and Jake. The door closes behind them and Anna looks to Dr. Richards, pointing the gun to him. He raises his hands, the same smirk dancing on his lips. 

"What you going to do girl? Kill me?" He asks, laughing just as the trigger is pulled. Dr. Richards stumbles back feeling his leg hit. Anna points the gun back up, as Dr. Richards hits the wall. "That takes balls girl. What else you got?" 

"Don't worry. You're going to be dead in a matter of seconds. But just so you know, you're going straight to hell for putting that girl through hell and back. You're going to rot and burn and the devil himself is going to make your spirit want to vanish completely." Dr. Richards rolls his eyes before Anna pulls the trigger once more, watching Dr. Richards body slide down to the floor. A bullet wound straight through his head. And slowly the girl walks over to Y/N, getting down on her knees. 

Her blue eyes trail up and down Y/N, reaching down and grabbing a hold of her hand. A bullet wound goes up through her jaw as blood pools around the small girl. Anna bites her lip shutting her eyes. 

"I tried kid. I tried so fucking hard. I didn't want him to kill you. I thought you'd be able to kill him, but maybe whatever was said you couldn't live with. And I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry, Y/N-" She pauses opening her eyes, looking at the girl. "But this isn't goodbye. He's dead, butterfly. He can't hurt us no more. But don't worry...I'm going to see you soon. I love you. I will always love you." Slowly, Anna leans down, closing her eyes and placing a gentle kiss upon the girls head. When she sits back up, her eyes trail over to her right hand where the gun sits. She picks it up, tears beginning to spill down her cheeks. And slowly she brings it up, placing it right to her temple. And just as the door opens and gasps from her former friends are heard, Anna pulls back the trigger causing her whole world to become nothing but darkness. 

                                                              The End

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