The Confidential Friend

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" her name is Confidentail. How ever the boys name is Rodney brigs." Johns eyes opened wide.
" we already dealt with that. Shit." I looked at him.

"What do you mean?"

" we got an anonymous tip that he was kidnapping girls who snitched on him for raping them. And then tortured them so badly they wouldn't speak a word again. He has gone radio silent. And we have been trying to find him. He even picked up 3 boys and 3 girls. Each individual pair have the same age but different parents. The police won't do much because they are pussies. We have tried telling them they just say no it's not true. But he is the only lead they have. We have tried to convince them but some of them just think we are out to get him."

" well Cam and I know some police officers maybe we can help" I spoke.

" nah they all say they are too busy dealing with real problems and real leads. And that they don't want to deal with our blood baths."

" are you gonna y'know put your self in a cops shoes?"

" uh well we do what we do protect the people." Is he going to really try this? What is he going to do. If he is going to hurt him maybe he will have it coming to him. What if he will kill him? Or torture him? I can't let that happen. Maybe a scare. Nothing else.
"What is your plan? To hurt him? To torture him? Because if you hurt or torture him you are going to be no better than him. Because you are hurting people who can't handle it. That's what he is doing to all of those people. He is acting like an animal. You can't become one yourself. That's why I don't believe in hurting others." He looked at me with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"Well than miss Chloe how the hell do you think we should get through to him." Sass much.

"For one Mr. John of the flying white Demons dont give me that attitude. For two Im the last person you want to piss off. For three trust me I will find a better way for four there is always a way. For five. You watch your tone with me no one wants to start off with a bad start. For six you must apalogize nicely. And towards Cameron for acting that way in front of him. He does not need it. You can apalogize to me but I don't think you like embarrassing yourself more. Because if it's not sincere I will make you repeat it until it is. And trust me I know when someone is lying."

"Well apparently if you can tell if someone is lying you can also tell when someone is going to rape you or when your parents will beat the shit out of you or the people at school bullying you. I will not apologize for nothing bad." My eyebrow raised. My right one. Which is a challenge symptom. My eyebrow raised and I get this weird accent from inside of me but I am not British. And instantly my fists curled up. Cameron came from behind me and put his hands on my back and moved them towards my belly. "Easy wait let him make the first one because then I can jump in. I don't want you to do the first one because you can get charged." He whispered into my ear.
As I realized my fists they were sweating. My heart was racing. I examined his body. His body was tense. Meaning he was ready to throw down. Or break something. I looked at him. " apologies are nice it shows a level of maturity and respect. I assume you don't know what maturity is or respect so I will just tell you myself. Respect is being nice and gentle and showing you honor that person. Maturity is where you grow and put on your big boy pants until you get your actual big man pants. And trust me. You do not want to mess with me." I instantly tightened and curled my fists. I moved my foot to a foot in front of me as I started to shake to get my adrenaline up so I couldn't get hurt until after the fight. I brought back my shoulders in order to crack my back. I raised my hand and started to crack my fingers until they all were cracked. I moved my neck to the right crack left crack. I took a deep breath in and released it. "What you think I will respect you? Haha! Now that's what I call a joke with irony." I looked at Cameron. "Back away from me I don't want to hurt you and record this." I whispered gently. Cameron obeyed. " no woman can be scary than men. I deserve respect until I betray you. I'm not a peice of property. I will never be. EVER! And as long as I'm living or standing in front of you. You will not disrespect any girl in front of me as if they are your property. That is dangerous waters. And I'm the giant shark called. 'Megamouth shark.' I am 25 feet big and 7.6 meters. A human is barely an appetizer and to me you are a mouse. Easy to feed on easy to eat. Easy to scare. Easy to die. Now look at me. You really do not want to go in waters with me. Woman make men better. This is a quote one of my favourite quotes by William Golding. Who is a man so it's not biased in any way just so you know. He said ' I think woman are foolish they are equal to men. They are far more superior and always have been. Whatever you give a woman she will make it greater. You give a woman sperm, she will give you a baby. If you give a woman a house she will make it a home. If you give a woman groceries she will give you a meal. If you give a woman a smile she will give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So if you give her any crap she will give you a ton of shit.' That is by William Golding British novelist, playwright and poet. 1911-1993. Now trust me back off. Or you will regret this man understood us woman." The looking is face was priceless. He looked like he was going to give up but then he opened his mouth and spoke. " woman have to fight in order to earn respect. You are nothing. And you will never be anything until you can beat me." Challenge accepted. I felt Cameron videotaping me. Good.

"So you are saying your want to fight a woman?"


"So you are saying you want to fight me?"


"So you can't go crying to anyone if you get hurt. Yes I will treat your wounds. But if you want to fight me you better make the first hit. And make sure it's good. Because if I can get up you won't be able to."


" let's do this than, If I win you must never treat a woman or girl as if she is property. And you must work with her together."

" and if I win you dump Cameron and go out with me. And you will obey my every order." That's never going to happen.

"What's so funny why are you laughing?"

"Because for one I would never do that to Cameron For Two I am a rebel for three I would never go out with you and for four I do not obey anyone. AT ALL!"

"Do it or else I will not fight you and treat all girls with disrespect oh and to add on I will treat Cameron with disrespect in front of you!"

I looked at Cameron who was still holding his camera. I looked at him and made the sign for I really love you. "I've got this. Trust
me Cameron. Fine I will do it."

Chapter 2
Dear diary.
I saw her friend today. She looked like the saddest thing. I am so proud that I made them all terrified. They cannot touch us and they know it. My friend group and I are going to make them regret being her friend. I think we should do something fun. I have a plan. But we will see if it is going to work or not. I can't spoil it. In case some one is reading this. So I'll just say today was great and I'll write again soon.

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