The Escape

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"Hurry!" I said to them as we ran back to our little lab room. 

We got in the room with the guys. "One second before you chuck it randomly you have to make sure its hollow." I knocked looking for that loud sound of nothingness. 

"It's Hollow over here." He chucked and I used my wings to wrap around everyone. My wings were huge. 

It was like ten feet of one singular wing one each side of my body. "Let's go! Hurry!" I started to get everyone to go out. Everyone went first I made sure of it. 

"Thank you, for the tests, but I guess you just failed at your own test." I spoke looking at a camera smirking. 

I jumped out of the whole and started flying. I never thought I would see the light of day ever again.  We flew for hours until the kids were exhausted. "I will get some food, someone needs to grab some wood, someone needs flint and steel if you can find it. If not I will fly to the nearest city and grab glass." I spoke. 

I went down to the river and caught some fish. "You should be resting with the kids."

"I do not need rest, all I need to do is get back to my family, and I am bringing you all there and not ditching you. You guys have no idea how the real world runs, so I will take you under my wings and teach you." Pun intended. He laughed. 

"Yeah I caught that joke, but you still should rest."

"I bet you everyone says that before someone has a cup of coffee."

"What's coffee?" I stared at him in disbelief. 

"I am joking!" I sighed as one of the fish managed to squirm their way back into the river. 

I quickly grabbed a new one and brought all of the fish up to them. "Did you find flint or steel?" He shook his head. 

"Okay, Here's the fish I need someone to make some king of bowl that is not flammable. I will be back." I spoke as I flew up directly straight into the sky. I looked over the grassy fields until I saw something shiny with other mucky looking weird shaped things near it. I needed to fly straight. I flew straight in the direction. I hovered over every building as I looked for an alleyway. I found some glass but something caught my eye. I turned to see it and it was a lighter. I smiled. I flicked it and it worked. Good. I flew back up and started to make my way back to everyone. I felt the wind rush around my face. I just flew lightly as a loud shot rippled through the air and I tried catching myself but I couldn't. I was falling down. My side was bleeding as I saw the ground get closer, until I felt two arms grab me and pull me up. He brought me into a forest as I could feel my energy slowly draining. "We need to get you help, you got shot."

"My girls."

"who?" He asked. 

He brought me as everyone saw the blood. Well, than. "The shedevils, they are the only ones who we can trust. Mainly because I made them all who they are today. We are two hours away from them if we were to drive. I am not sure about flight or how we would get there, but I do know is I will slow you down. You guys can go and see them, you can leave me here." 

"we are not doing that." The one guy spoke.

"I will slow you down."

"We aren't leaving you." I sighed. 

"We have to go but we will walk for the first bit. The guy with the gun is still out there." They nodded. 

We all started walking. I could feel myself getting weak. We entered the city and flew above it when the night came. We flew and the more my wings moved, the more harder it was for me to keep up. I could feel my wings get tired. Have you ever worked out so bad and your thighs were tired and felt like they were exploding at the same time? That's how my wings felt. 

I saw the kids and everyone else getting ahead of me. I needed to push myself. I needed to show them I wasn't weak. We flew over the city and I looked just to double-check we had everyone. Which thankfully we did. We passed over some fields. You ever feel the exhaustion of your mind and body expand every time you keep pushing on? A tear slipped out of my eye. We were almost at the city. So close. I can see my goal but my wings faltered. I couldn't catch myself. I was closing my eyes waiting for impact on the hard rock ground. But it never came. "We should walk." I heard the wings of everyone finally stop moving at a high-speed.

"We need to find your girls, but we don't know where to look." I heard him say. 

"Her wound has gotten worse." I could feel him touching my gunshot wound. 

He put pressure onto it. "Was she not doing this?" Nope. I was trying my hardest to keep up. 

"We need to find the shedevils and she won't wake. But if we go around asking for help it may draw certain unwanted attention towards us." The girl spoke. 

She was smart. "We have to work with this. Everyone stick together. No splitting up." they had no idea. 

They would never find them even if they were to ask. I mustered all the strength I had rapidly breathing as I opened my eyes and my adrenaline kicked in as I got off of him. "They are north. Five minutes. Knock 9 times no spaces between. Let's go. I don't know how much longer I can hold it off." 

"You need to rest."

"I second him."

"No, My girls know the codes to keep it secure." I spoke as I started walking. 

"You need to rest they aren't wrong you collapsed once already." 

"Twice." I would glare at him but it would take to much strength from me.  

I couldn't even shake my head. Every step I took felt like I was fighting gravity. "Okay, put your arm on my shoulder." The girl spoke and I nodded. 

"Make sure the kids are being taken care of and watched so many kidnappings happen." 

"Okay." I got to my door and knocked. 

The door opened and my Shedevil in command looked at me and tears flooded her eyes. "We thought you died." 

"I was kidnapped and the people with me are victims, I got shot, I will need a emergency action. I can't let anyone know we returned unless it's people we trust. I need satellites taken down. I need this building cloaked from all radar. I need cameras wiped that has our faces. I need food and water stat for the guests." I started commanding. 

Everyone started moving as the people from the lab came in. I made sure we had everyone. We did. One of the Shedevils came towards me she is a doctor. "Let's fix you up." I nodded. 


What do you think will happen now?

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