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It's been 359 days. I haven't seen her for a whole year. She sends letters saying she has her reasons. But she hasn't told me the reasons. She always is so secretive. I don't understand her. Not one bit. She definitely knows how to take her time. I wished I understood her as my soulmate. I wish I wasn't so clueless about her but I was. I still was. All I knew was how she wrote her letters. But that's never her true voice. I missed her voice. I still haven't been put back onto the team yet, Headmaster has his reasons. Everyone has their reasons and still I have to understanding of them. I wish she could come back. I wish she knew how much it is killing me not to see her. I wish she knew how much it scares me not knowing if she is alive or dead. "You have another letter." The mailman gave me it. 


It was her writing. I quickly grabbed it and walked to my room and read it. "I think I have finally found the answers to my problem, I have looked for guidance, if you can find me. I will give you a chance. The first clue to my scavenger hunt to find me is look for a pink sticky note in your class, I can't tell you where to look. But if you really want me as bad as everyone says you will put in the time and I will give you the chance. It's funny doing this, I did this with Cameron before we got together because I thought he wouldn't take the time and actually do this stupid thing. But he did. I was shocked. Although that's enough of him. I can finally start talking about him without having the urge to cry. I know it's been a couple of months but I have been working on it. I have my reasons on why I haven't returned, I have them. But I can't give them to you unless, your willing to listen. If you aren't going to listen don't bother looking for me. You have three hours to find your first clue, I have people around who will tell me whether or not you are looking for them. So I will know if you aren't and get them to take the rest away. I won't be mad if you don't try to look for me. Don't feel like you have to do this. I want you to choose this." She signed it off and viola. 

Nothing. I have four classes. She could have been more specific! But what did I expect? I sighed. I needed to go to class. Imagine how annoyed they would be if I just randomly showed up after skipping all- wait... Is that her plan? For me to go to my classes get my homework from my teachers and I have to still be on the lookout? I walked to my first class. I opened the door, and everyone looked my way. "Has anyone seen my sticky note it's pink and I seem to have lost it." The teacher looked at me disappointed. 

"I thought you were going to come to class. Well, since you are here you might as well take the homework." She handed me the work pile.  

I looked around the room and saw no pink things. I grabbed it and headed out. I brought it back to my dorm room and walked to the next class. I kept doing this until my last class. I got into the room and asked the same thing. "I thought you were going to come to class. Well, since you are here you might as well take the homework, and complete it." I looked at my teacher. All of my other teachers have said the same thing but this teacher added something, I knew it was a bit strange. 

Word from word they were instructed to say it. "That's it!" I smiled and grabbed my homework running to my room. 

I completed all my work and handed it into all of my teachers as I handed in my work for my last teacher he smiled. "I believe one of your classmates believe you were looking for this." I looked at the writing and nodded. 

It was her writing. "Yes." I grabbed it and walked to my dorm room. 

"As you know this was easy, I must make it harder. When I turn it on the water hits me right in the nose, when I turn it down no water is what I found. Look around quickly and don't forget to double check. Keep it up if you want. They will get harder, you have been warned." Water? 

Water bottles? I don't like rhymes, I will ask for my pal's help. I walked down the court-yard to see my friend reading a book. "Hey can I get some help figuring out a rhyme?" He shook his head. 

Dickhead SyndromeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ