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I wake up to a sound of a train. Now there is no trains where I'm stationed for the moment. I looked around to see Im in a room. With doors. I go to open the doors but they seem to be locked. "Hello? Cameron? Joker? John? Who's there. Where am I." A voice comes from the speakers in the roof.

"You are Chloe, correct?" I nod. A male voice spoke. Sounded like he was matured.

"Yes, why. Who are you?" I feel my fear rising.

"Can I go home now?"

"No, we heard there is a problem with you we need to figure out what it is. And we are the Govt." the govt why?

"Why would the govt be involved with this?"

"You will know soon enough. It took as a long time to track you down."

"My family will be looking for you and me. They will come save me so you better let me go."

"Your family isn't your family no more we hear that you have gone different paths is that not true. And before you lie. We have a lie detector here. And if anyone goes looking for you they will see your note that you will be gone for awhile." My fear started to eat at me. The overthrowing urge of vomiting came across my body.

"Yes. But my other family. My boyfriend. My friends will come looking a note will not make them stop. They know that is the last thing I would do."

" you don't know teenage minds like we do."

"Obviously not BECUASE writing a note would never satisfy anyone." I blurted out.

"You are just a fire aren't you. We have you here because we are going to train you. We will train you and we will not stop until we think it's good to stop." Train... train me for what?

"Why would you need to train me you have a whole bunch of soldiers for that. And the army."

"But we haven't been able to do what we did with you." What is this adding up to. I'm sick and tired of not getting answers. I scanned the room to see if I could find a way out. No windows. And only doors that are locked.

"Listen sir. You need to let me out or the doors are going to get broken along with your face. If this is some sort of joke it's sick. And trust me if you let me go I won't tell anyone."

"We know you won't tell anyone. Which is why you will be staying here. Under observation and training." Hell no. Not going to happen. I ran towards the doors. I started to punch them. Punch them till my hands started to bruise and even then I kept punching until they bleed.

I ran back far back. I looked at the doors. And I started to run towards them. I jumped up and twisted my body to the right side as I sprang my right foot to create a perfect flying side kick. And the door broke through. "Listen here young lady don't leave.  Or I will send a whole bunch of people to contain you."

"Try me asswhole." I screamed on top of my lungs in a challenging voice.

I opened the door relieved. I started to run. There were people coming this way. Alarms where blaring and going off. I couldn't help but I still ran towards them I moved both my hands out at the right time and knocked them out. I found a weapon. A taser. This can be of help towards me. I started to run again. Some sort of maze like type of shit. I bolted through the halls turn left now right. And sure enough more doors I opened them they were unlocked and I saw the sun. I saw how much help was near. And there was none. So I kept running until I couldn't no more from my right knee gave out. I was in some woods. I started to crawl. My back was in so much pain I started to feel it and that's when I found it. I found what they where talking about. They cut open into my shoulder blades. I moved my shoulders down and I felt my back open. My backs fared to open!! The fear went up my body and my adrenaline came back. I started to run but soon enough I wasn't on the ground no more. I was flying. This shit is to scary. This is insane. Am I dreaming? Could this all be some sort of dream? Dream or not I still need to get help. That's when I passed a sign that was close to my home. I started to fly faster. But I fell. And I didn't remember what was happening. All I knew was I am dehydrated. "Well congratulations, you passed the first test on your own." A man spoke hitting me and before I knew it I was asleep.


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