Chapter 6

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When Monday comes, Tyler decides it's time for me to set our plan into motion. I'm meeting him after class to watch his football practice. Since Mason is also on the team, Tyler thinks this will be the perfect opportunity to put me to the test and see if I can manage ignoring Mason for the entire practice.

Before heading to the football field, I go to the art room looking for Sydney so she can join me. She's always there after class, so I'm not surprised to find her sitting alone inside the empty classroom, painting a beautiful field of golden sunflowers.

She looks so peaceful, almost feel bad about disturbing her. Almost. I tiptoe so she won't hear me, and once I'm close enough to her...


I yell, I grabbing hold of her shoulders and shaking her, making her drop her brush.

"You bitch! You almost gave me a heart attack." She says with a hand over her chest as I laugh hysterically. "And you could have ruined my painting." she pouts picking up her brush which left a little yellow splatter of paint on the floor.

"Come on, the opportunity was right there! You have to admit you would've done the same thing to me. And besides, you can't get mad at me. I'm taking you to practice your favorite hobby, male-watching." I wiggle my eyebrows.

"Whatever." She replies annoyed as she gathers her stuff.  "Let's just go, I wouldn't want to miss the show." We head to the field going over to sit on the bleachers, and we scan the group of boys that make up the team. I spot Tyler immediately and he jogs over to us. Noah is on the opposite side of the field doing some warm-ups and I can't help but stare as he wipes the sweat off his face with his shirt.

This is going to be fun.

Tyler greets Syd and I quickly, and before he runs back into the field he says "Remember what we talked about." giving me a warning look.

"Yeah yeah, John Tucker, I know." Syd turns to me with a puzzled expression, "Just go with it." I shake my head.

"Good. I'll see you guys after practice and we can go grab a bite to eat okay?"

"Okay." Syd and I reply and Tyler takes off. As practice starts I pay close attention, avoiding Mason. This game seems brutal. All these guys bumping into each other, pushing each other, and jumping on each other, they must get hurt all the time. Not that I know much about this game at all. But it does look pretty painful from where I'm sitting, and I'm bored out of mind. Though I must admit, those uniforms make it all worth it.

I'm actually finding it very easy to ignore Mason because all my attention is being stolen by Noah. As he runs maneuvers around the football field, directing the team, his messy and shiny hair flips all over the place and sticks to his face a bit. I can see his toned arms tense under his jersey as he throws a forward pass, and I find myself staring at the way his skin glistens in the sun due to his sweat. Noah catches me looking at him and sends me a wink, making me blush and simultaneously snapping me out of my trance.

"ShShSh," Syd shushes me even though I've been completely silent all this time, "Do you hear that?" she asks with her hand to her ear. I try to tune in to what she's referring to but I can't hear anything, "Sounds like your basement is flooding." she whispers.

I swat at her arm and she bursts out laughing, "That's the worst thing I've ever heard in my life, and I sincerely hope you never say something like that ever again."

She keeps laughing and tries to pull me in for a hug, "You love me though."

"Shut up," I say shoving her.

Her laughter eventually dies down and the conversation starts in another direction, thankfully. "So, have you got any plans for winter break yet?" she asks.

"Yeah actually, my parents and I are taking a road trip to the mountains and going skiing. I'm really excited." I reply, "How about you?"

"I'm staying here, unfortunately, but Tyler is too, so at least I won't be alone. I just have to make it through these damn exams so I can finally relax."

"I can help you if you want, I've got an open slot for tutoring tomorrow after class." I offer.

"Thanks, but I can't, I've got cheer practice." She explains looking out into the field. "But..." she says in an insinuating tone, "You know who I've heard is failing and needs some tutoring? Pretty boy out there." She says pointing at Noah with her chin.

"Uhuh, no. No way." I shake my head.

"Why not?"

"I only tutor underclassmen, with the exception of you and Ty. And besides, do you really think I have the social skills to be alone with a guy like him, sitting close together, having to make conversation and maintain eye contact, for an hour and not die of a stroke? Because I'll tell you right now, I don't."

"You seemed pretty fine to me the other day at his party. You know, when he was playing Santa Claus and you were sitting on his lap."

"I was drunk out of my mind!" I try justifying my actions, but before we can finish our conversation though, the coach's whistle rings out indicating that practice is over, and the field starts emptying out quickly. Walking off, Noah takes off his jersey, exposing a white wife beater that is sticking to his skin.

He takes the cap off a water bottle and takes a big swig before bending his head forward and pouring water onto his hair and neck to refresh himself. The sheer fabric of his tank makes his sculpted abdomen very visible, and his smooth, lightly tanned skin stand out in contrast.

Tyler comes up to us, heavily breathing, with his hair dripping in sweat as he pushes it back "So, how was it?"

"Honestly? Pretty boring. But I did what we agreed, I didn't look at him once."

"Good job Mads," He smiles, "See? It wasn't that hard." He says giving me a high-five.

"To be fair, her eyes were rather busy focusing on something, or rather someone, else." Sydney interjects and I elbow her side, as I see Noah approaching us.

"Yo Ty!" he calls out.

"One second girls." Tyler holds up a finger and walks a few steps away to meet Noah. They're not standing too far away from us though, so Syd and I tune in our ears into their conversation.

"Hey man, I meant to ask you before, could you lend me your notes for the calculus test? I'm totally lost and I really need a good grade, otherwise, I'm screwed."

Syd turns to me and smiles, "Please don't," I plead. She takes a step forward and I grab her wrist to stop her "Syd, I'm begging you not to!" I say quietly through gritted teeth so the guys won't hear me, but she easily escapes my grip and skips up to the boys with me right on her heels.

"Hey Noah," she smiles all sweetly.

"Oh, hey girls." he greets us both with a smile that shows his pearly white teeth.

"You know, you'll have to excuse me, but I couldn't help but overhear that you're having some trouble with calc. And that's such a funny coincidence, because my friend Maddie here," she grabs both my arms and drags me to stand in front of her, "Is offering after-school tutoring, and it just so happens she has an open slot for tomorrow. Don't you Maddie?" She smiles innocently.

"Oh," he seems taken aback, "that's actually perfect, I'm totally free tomorrow. Would you mind giving me a hand Maddison? I'm kind of desperate here." he rubs his neck nervously.

Well, do I have an option? I can't just say no now, I'll look like a bitch. I sigh giving up before even trying to come up with an excuse. "Sure," I give an affirmative answer but it comes out very uncertain. "Four o'clock tomorrow, in the library, be there. And bring whatever notes you have." I order, trying to establish some sense of authority.

"Great! I'll meet you there." he starts taking a few steps back towards the locker room.

"And please let me know If you're not coming, don't just leave me waiting," I say.

"Oh don't worry," he smirks, "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

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