Chapter 15

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The next day I wake up at noon, but it's Saturday so the guilt doesn't weigh too heavily on me. The room is illuminated by a thin ray of sunshine coming in through the blinds, and I can see Tyler is still sleeping like a log. He had a rough night, so I won't wake him up yet, he needs all the rest he can get.

I quietly sneak out of the bedroom, carefully closing the door behind me and jogging downstairs to the kitchen. I find a yellow sticky note on the counter that reads, "Went out for a ride. We'll be back before tonight. There's money behind the cereal.

Love Mom & Dad."

A few months ago my dad bought a vintage motorcycle just like the one he used to drive back in high school when he and my mom started dating. He made it his new project to restore it and he worked on it every spare minute he had for months till it looked and worked as if it were brand new. And now, every couple of weeks he takes my mom out to lunch and then they drive out to the countryside to spend the afternoon together.

Seeing as Ty and I will have the house to ourselves for the day, and since he'll probably spend it nursing a killer hangover, I decide to do something nice for him. And I know exactly how to cheer him up.

I quickly run up to my room taking a pair of sneakers and jeans from the closet and I head to the bathroom to take a quick shower. As the warm water hits me and I relax, the memories from last night start flashing in my mind and I feel my heart fluttering.

That worries me. I don't want to catch feelings too fast. I know guys like Noah. They're charming, smooth talkers. They know what to say and how to say it to make you melt like putty in their hands. I want to trust him, I really do, and he hasn't actually given me any reason not to, but I can't let him in so easily.

He's always been a player, after all, dated around a bit but never stayed with the same girl for too long. It would just be naive to believe he will just change for me overnight. For all I know, every girl he's ever been with could've been thinking they'd be the one to change him, so I don't want to get my hopes up just yet.

After I'm done showering, I toss on a button-up top, a pair of denim jeans, and white sneakers. I grab my keys and make my way down the stairs to get the money from the cereal box in the kitchen. I don't know how much time I have left before Ty wakes up on his own, so with my hair still wet I rush to get into my car and make my way to town to pick up some things.

I make it back home in record timing and hope Tyler hasn't woken up yet, or worse, gone home. Otherwise, this won't have the same effect. So trying to balance everything I bought in my arms, I rush back inside and up the stairs to my room.

I crack the door open to find Tyler still asleep with his mouth open and I cringe at him drooling on my pillows. I walk in, not trying to be silent anymore, and kneel down beside the bed, resting my head on my folded arms right in front of Tyler's face.

My breath is fanning his lashes, which prompts his eyes to flutter open just to find me staring at him, mere inches away from his face. He jumps back, startled, and hits his head on the wall behind him. I can't help burst out laughing.

"You bitch," he groans, rubbing the back of his head before leaping at me and dragging me onto the bed where he starts tortuously tickling me.

"Stop!" I yell in between giggles, which are an involuntary response because there's nothing I hate more than being tickled, but he keeps going. "Tyler, you're going to make me pee myself!" I say knowing that'll stop him and it does. He lets me go and lies back down.

"I hate you," he groans with his face buried between my pillow and the crook of my neck.

"Oh, but you're going to love me in just a few seconds," I say giddily.

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