Chapter 31

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Noah and I make our way down the stairs as I hear the faint sound of people chattering in the distance. As we approach the kitchen, the voices become louder, and can make out that the deeper and raspier one belongs to a guy, and that the softer one belongs to an older woman.

When we walk in, the guy's gaze fixates on me after glancing over Noah quickly. He's got big and bright hazel eyes, a very angular face with sharply defined features, and a neatly trimmed beard shadowing his jaw. His hair is raven black and buzzed almost completely, barely a few inches longer at the top. He sits on the counter, with his feet dangling off the ground and my attention is called to the intricate designs covering the exposed skin on both his arms.

"Nonna, we have company," he says, making the old woman turn around to face us. Her wrinkled face twists into a sweet and surprised expression as her eyes center on Noah.

"Noah, my darling!" she exclaims excitedly, "Come give grandma a hug," she opens her arms and he steps into them. Having shrunk with age, Noah towers over her by a foot, and her small and delicate build is swallowed by his broad and muscular one. He kisses her on the head and lets her go, heading to greet the guy who's sitting on the counter.

"What's up bro?" They dap-up and hug each other "Long time no see."

Noah turns to me, "Maddison, this is Aiden, my brother," he points and Aiden raises a hand to say hi, "And my grandmother, Constance."

"Hello dear," she smiles at me sweetly, "Lovely to meet you," she shakes my hand and I smile back at her kindness.

"Hi, I'm Maddison," I introduce myself.

"What a beautiful name," she compliments me "Fitting for a beautiful young woman," her sweet tone makes me blush.

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend," Aiden says to Noah.

"Oh, I'm not-" I start.

"Will you be joining us for dinner, dear?" Constance asks.

"I'd love to, but I should probably get going," I decline, wanting to avoid a second encounter with Noah's mother.

"Actually Mads, could I talk to you for a second?" Noah asks, pulling me aside and out of earshot to have a private conversation. "Look, I know this probably isn't an ideal 'meet-the family' situation. I didn't know they'd be here, but it's very rare for all of us to be in the same place at the same time, so I was actually hoping you'd stay for dinner." he lowers his tone and puts his hands together as he makes his offer.

I'm not prepared for this, I wasn't expecting to meet his family for at least a couple more months, and I already fucked up my first impression on his mother. But then again, if I stay, maybe I'll get the chance to make a good second one.

"Come on," he insists, grabbing my hands in his "I can bet you my nonna makes the best homemade pizza you'll ever taste."

I smile shaking my head, "You had me at pizza," his face lights up at my acceptance of his proposal and he guides me back into the kitchen.

Aiden jumps off the counter and now that I see them side-by-side, I notice that if I didn't know better I'd never guess he and Noah are siblings. Aiden is noticeably taller, my estimate is he has about four inches on him. While Noah is buff and muscular, Aiden is very lean, his dark clothing hanging loosely off his thin frame.

They work together, taking various items out of the brown paper bags that sit atop the counter. Meanwhile, Constance bends down to get a large metal bowl from the cabinet under the kitchen sink, and she puts it on the counter right beside me.

She lightly taps my wrist with her long and bony fingers, calling my attention "Those two," she whispers, pointing to the brothers, "They are the sauce experts, so while they do their thing, you and I will work on the dough." She instructs and I nod in understanding. I notice a hint of an accent in her tone, and judging by the fact that Aiden and Noah call her 'Nonna', I'm guessing Italian.

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