Chapter 11

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We decide to take my car since we're always having Tyler drive us around and using all his gas, so I get behind the wheel for a change. After just a few minutes drive we park outside Frenchy's, a local retro-style diner that serves the best burgers in town. The neon sign on the roof and the fluorescent lights coming from inside shine brightly as we get out of the car and head in.

We sit at our usual table, a booth on the far end next to the window and we don't even look at our menus, already having our orders memorized. When the waitress comes Tyler shushes Syd and I before we can speak. "Okay so this one right here will be having the 'big Elvis' with extra cheese, extra fries and a regular coke," he says pointing at me, "This lovely lady will take the 'Doris Day' with no mayo and a cherry coke," he points to Syd, "And I will have the 'Barry White' with a side of onion rings and a vanilla milkshake if you'd be so kind," he flashes the waitress his charming, white-toothed smile and she jots our order down on her little notepad.

"Coming right up," she bats her long lashes at Ty before walking away.

"Dude, ten bucks says she'll write down her number for you on our bill." Syd bets.

"What?" Tyler asks.

"She was totally making eyes at you!" I elbow him, "I'll add ten more to Syd's bet."

"I'm not playing with you guys." he replies visibly blushing.

"Oh, come on, you can't lose!" Syd tries to convince him, "You either walk out of here 20 bucks richer or with the hot waitress' number. I see that as a win either way."

"If I say yes can we stop talking about it?"

"Yes!" Syd and I say in unison.

"Fine then," he gives up, "now let's change the subject."

We move on to talk about my trip and how they each spent their holidays. Syd's parents bought her a pair of custom sneakers she had been begging for and Tyler received a new hoodie and a pair of jeans for Christmas.

Our food and drinks arrive and I nudge Tyler's leg under the table. "Uhm, thank you," he smiles nervously at our waitress whose name tag reads 'Raven'

"My pleasure," she replies with a sultry look. She walks away swaying her hips and I catch her stealing a glance back at Tyler before going to check on another table.

"We've got this in the bag," I lean forward towards Syd and we fist bump as Tyler shakes his head. I take a sip of my coke right as the door to the diner rings, indicating new customers. The three of our heads snap in the sound's direction to see a group of six guys entering the diner. The one at the front of the group has his hood on, which covers his face but as he approaches the counter he pushes it back, revealing a golden mane and I look away instantly recognizing who it is.

"My, my, what are the chances?" Syd says looking at the crowd of boys and leaning back on her seat with her arms crossed and a pleased look on her face, "This should be fun."

Raven greets the group and leads them to the only empty booth big enough to seat all of them, which just so happens to be the one right behind Syd, the one Tyler and I are facing. As they walk over to their table I shrink in my seat, trying to go unnoticed, but Jackson recognizes Tyler's unmistakable silver hair and walks over to greet him.

"Hey man! Such a coincidence you're here, we tried calling you to invite you to come with us but you didn't pick up."

"Oh, yeah I'm sorry, I left my phone at home." Tyler replies just as Jackson's attention drifts to a certain redhead sitting in front of me, "Oh, hey Syd, how're you doing?" he asks uncomfortably.

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