Chapter 51

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"OPEN THE FUCK UP!" Noah bangs his hands repeatedly and aggressively against the door.

"Noah," I say softly, trying to stop his outburst by putting my hand on his shoulder, but I retract it immediately as he keeps using all his force to slam his palms on the wood.

"OPEN UP! OPEN. THE FUCK. UP!" he screams, the muscles on his neck becoming visible with the tension. The yelling and banging noises start attracting some attention, and I look back to see two bulky security guards charging towards us.

The pair launch towards Noah, taking a hold of his body using brute force, and dragging him away from the door that still won't give.

"NO!" I scream, as they forcefully push my boyfriend against a wall and restrain him, each one of the guards grabbing one of Noah's arms and twisting it behind his back as he squirms in pain. Noah resists their hold, refusing to be reduced, and desperately trying to get them off him. "You're hurting him!" I bang my fists on one of the guard's backs when Noah howls, but I immediately find myself having my arms grabbed behind my back and being dragged away as well.

My back is pressed against a wall, and I don't have the strength in me to struggle with the guard who's forcing me away from the situation. The man towers over me, and in a very stern tone tells me to remain calm, but I can't, as I look across from me and see my boyfriend kicking and screaming.

This is escalating really quickly and it's all my fault. I should've just kept my mouth shut.

Due to the commotion, the guys who had come back from the party early, like Noah and I had, start opening up the doors to their rooms and peering outside to see what's going on. Confronted with the scene, some impulsively start getting involved.

"What the hell is going on?" Matt, our counselor, asks as he and Jackson appear. A tall and buff guy I presume is from Oak Hills, and a few of his friends go over to Noah and help him finally break loose from the guards' hold.

"One of these disgusting assholes fucking assaulted my girlfriend!" Noah spits, yelling loud enough for everyone to hear.

I guess something is getting lost in translation because the guy holding me against the wall gets close to my face, and staring deeply into my eyes starts repeating "No one hit you," in portuguese over and over again, as if trying to convince me of that statement.

"I didn't say that!" I try to tell him, but he either turns a deaf ear, or doesn't understand what I'm saying, because he keeps on repeating that no one could've possibly striked me.

"Don't touch her!" Noah comes in and pushes the guard off me. "Lay a hand on her I swear I'll-"

"Noah stop!" I grab his wrist, trying to control his frenzy. "You need to calm down, this is not worth it. You're going to get kicked out."

"I don't care, Maddison!" he yells, and I take a step back, startled. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you," he immediately apologises, softening his tone and stroking my cheek soothingly with one hand. "I don't care what they do with me, Maddie," he explains, "But they can't just get away with taking advantage of you," his voice quivers and his eyes begin watering, "You-you are drunk, and you were alone, and they had no right," he breathes in deeply, as he suddenly starts sobbing uncontrollably. "YOU HAD NO FUCKING RIGHT!" he screams at no one in particular as the tears stream freely down his face.

I can't cry myself, I'm more focused on the chaos I've caused, and the distress I've put on someone I love. A flip switched inside Noah, he's always very calm and collected with me, and even when he talks or reminisces about upsetting memories or events, he has never even come close to tears. It breaks my heart that I know he probably blames himself for this.

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