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minho hasn't been talking to me at all today and i think it's because of what happened yesterday. han noticed and asked me what happened when we were both walking home. well he was walking me home.

h: "what happened between you and minho yesterday?"
y/n: "well he asked me out..."
h: "wait what?"
y/n: "but i rejected him. so i think he's trying to avoid me today."
h: "oh well that makes more sense."

han just held my hand as we continued walking.

h: "what'd you get on the science test?"
y/n: "ninety-six."
h: "lucky you. i got an eighty-seven."
y/n: "did you even study yesterday?"
h: "did you?"
y/n: "no."
h: "then how did you-"
y/n: "actually paying attention in class instead of looking at something random around the room."
h: "nice tip."

i know i said he looks at random things but i always catch him looking at me. well at least that's what i think. he's probably looking at that girl next to me. what was her name? oh it was rosé! yeah he probably looks at her, i mean she is really pretty compared to everybody else.

y/n: "what are you always staring at in class anyway?"
h: "uh do i have to say it?"
y/n: "not if you don't want to, i was just wondering."
h: "i'll tell you later."
y/n: "okay!"

after walking for a few more minutes, we arrived at my house.

y/n: "well i gotta go now. i have to get clean the house since lucas might see me tomorrow since he has a day off."
h: "why don't i stay and we invite the guys over so you can get finished faster?"
y/n: "true............fine."
h: "okay i'll call the guys."

once all the guys had arrived, we started cleaning up everything.
-after cleaning-
i put away the last cleaning supply while the guys were heading to the living room. i sat next to han as he put his arm around me.

cb: "why did we clean up again?"
y/n: "because-"
-ding dong-
i was about to get up when chan opened the door instead.

?: "uh who are you?"

wait, what!? i quickly got up and went over to the door. chan moved out of the way and i just hugged my brother.

?: "i wish we could get the same reaction."

i stopped hugging lucas to see mark and  taeyomg standing next to him.

y/n: "mark! taeyong!"

i hugged them and went back to the living room.

y/n: "come on!"
l: "who's this? and this? well who are they?"

i pointed to each of them as i said their name.

y/n: "my friends chan, changbin, minho, hyunjin, han, felix, seungmin, and jeongin."
m: "eight friends?"
y/n: "yep,"
t: "and you can tell them all apart?"
y/n: "yep,"
l: "who do you hang out with the most?"
y/n: "ha-"

before i could finish, han pulled me down to sit next to him as he put his arm around me.

h: "me,"
y/n: "are you kidding me han?"
t: "ooh lucas your sister got a boyfriend~"
l: "i'm sorry what?"
y/n: "we're not dating!"
m: "you sure about that?"
y/n: "yes! ugh, thanks han."
h: "you're welcome."

my brother and his members sat down on the couch as we argued.

mh: "you guys done yet?"

we stopped arguing.

l: "now that you've finished, you need to catch us up on your life before we go back to rest and practice."
y/n: "okay,"

i then started telling them about going to the amusement park and other things i did with the guys. still, nobody knows i rejected minho.

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