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i woke up once i started smelling food. i quickly got up and went to the kitchen to see everybody except han and y/n.

c: "oh hey you woke up!"
j: "well i smelt food so yeah. why are you cooking without han if this is his house though?"
f: "he hasn't waken up. i don't think y/n has either."
j: "did you even check to see if they were asleep?"
f: "no."
hj: "how about you go check on them?"
j: "okay,"

i went to han's room and knocked lightly on the door. nobody answered so i quietly opened the door to see han and y/n were sleeping together on the bed while hugging. cute. i went back to the kitchen after.

j: "they're so cute."
c: "who?"
j: "han and y/n. they're sleeping while hugging each other."
mh: "what?!"
j: "yep,"
hj: "do you have a problem with that?"
mh: "n-no,"
cb: "then why did you stutter?"
mh: "i don't want to say."
s: "you like y/n don't you."
mh: "not as much as i did before."
j: "why?"
mh: "why do i have to tell you guys?"
c: "because we're you're best friends."
mh: "but-"
j: "if you don't say it, i'm gonna stop buying you food at lunch every friday."
mh: "fine."

we all stared at minho, waiting for an answer.

mh: "she friend zoned me."

we all started laughing a little.

j: "have you not seen the way her and han act? it's pretty obvious she likes him."
mh: "i just thought she might've had small feelings for me since i was the first person to talk to her."
f: "that doesn't mean she will like you."
cb: "you also had a pretty bad first impression."
mh: "okay i get it!"
c: "let's just eat."

we all sat down and started eating. after a minute or two, han and y/n walked in.
hj: "the squirrels woke up!"
j: "i think they're love birds now."
h: "oh shut up jeongin!"
j: "how rude!"
y/n: "can i just have some food?"

han and i sat down as chan gave us our food.

c: "so what are we doing today?"
h: "to be honest, i don't even know."
y/n: "liar."
h: "how?"
y/n: "you told me we were going to-"
h: "not right now. plus, i said that was something only you and i were gonna do after the guys left."
f: "aww you're going on a date."
y/n: "oppa you better be quiet or else i'll side kick your head."
hj: "don't be too harsh."
y/n: "you want me to side kick your head too?"
hj: "okay, sorry."
h: "for now, we're all going to go to the beach."
y/n: "but you said we were-"
h: "later princess."

we finished eating and got ready to go to the beach. thankfully, i brought a swimsuit.
-at the beach-
we all put our stuff on a blanket we brought and started going to play in the water. i didn't feel like going in the water yet so i just sat down on the blanket.

i took out my phone, connected it to the speaker, and played music. after a few minutes, han came over to me and sat down.

h: "why don't you come play with us?"
y/n: "i just didn't feel like getting in the water right now."
h: "come on, can you at least play with me?"

i decided to tease him.

y/n: "but i'm tired and sleepy and-"

then han just picked me up and took me to the water.

y/n: "hannie oppa!"

he jumped in the water with me so i decided to act like i couldn't swim and i was drowning.

h: "y/n!"

he tried grabbing my hand so i pulled him in the water with me.

h: "hey!"
y/n: "that's what you get for jumping in the water with me."

then han splashed water on me.

h: "uh oops?"
y/n: "han!"
h: "sorry?"
the guys and i got out of the water to dry off since we still needed to eat.

s: "where'd han and y/n go?"

we all looked around to see them playing together in the water. i could feel my heart ache a little even though i already knew y/n didn't like me. now i can see why jeongin said it was obvious that she liked han.

mh: "just let them,"
hj: "i thought you liked her and didn't want them to be together?"
mh: "well now i can see why they should be together unlike before."
j: "yay!"
c: "let's just eat for now."

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