What if we Drown (6)

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The morning was wet and cold as it kissed her cheeks and nuzzled her nose

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The morning was wet and cold as it kissed her cheeks and nuzzled her nose. With a sleepy smile, Ashlyn opened her eyes to greet Coley who had successfully coaxed her into waking for breakfast.

Coley's meow was croaky as Ashlyn scooped her into her arms and kissed the tip of her nose. Coley remained compliant for a moment before she pushed Ashlyn's face away and jumped down, the soft sound of her pitter-pattering towards the kitchen. Ashlyn grinned as she climbed out of bed and followed, the cats hinting not lost on her.

The early morning sun was warm against the terracotta paint she'd begun applying to the feature wall of the open plan living area. While the renovations were not progressing as quickly as she would have liked, Ashlyn was enjoying how relaxed, and in control, the ordeal made her feel. With each stroke of the brush and each new piece of furniture, she could see her fathers plans for the house coming to life.

Coley's impatience pulled her from her thoughts as she weaved around Ashlyn's legs. Rolling her eyes, Ashlyn continued to the kitchen to fill her food bowl, before she made her way to the bathroom to take a shower.

Half an hour later, she was locking the front door and breathing in the fresh scent of the front garden. The sun was high in the sky, and she could not see a single cloud. It's going to be a good day, she thought.


"I'll take two cappuccinos, and—" A young gentleman started, his hand resting atop the mop of blonde curls that could only belong to his daughter. His gaze shifted to his daughter as he crouched down to whisper in her ear, kindly coaxing her to speak up. "—A fluffy, please," her gentle voice added, blue eyes peeking over the counter. Ashlyn smiled fondly, preparing their order.

Approaching table eleven, three hot drinks in hand, Ashlyn's heart warmed at the delight that filled the young girl when she gazed at the chocolate sauce smiling before her.

"Thank you." She beamed, dipping her finger in the sauce and quickly shoving her finger in her mouth before her parents could stop her. Her parents chuckled as Ashlyn handed them a napkin, suspecting things were going to get a little messy. It was witnessing these moments of joy that Ashlyn loved most about her job.

"I saw the extra marshmallow you snuck her," someone commented from behind Ashlyn, startling her as she made her way back to the counter. Taking a deep breath, she was relieved that she no longer held any hot cups. She turned to say something, to defend herself maybe and was caught off guard by the playfulness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," Derek apologised with a genuine smile.

It's alright, she responded, her answering smile just as genuine. Collecting the empty dishes from another table she moved back towards the counter, Derek following behind.

"Derek! Good Morning!" Kass' hollered from the kitchen, her face filling the viewing window with a big grin.

"Hey Kass." He chuckled, leaning against the corner of the counter.

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