What if we Drown (27)

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Ashlyn's time spent basking in the sun was interrupted when several moments later, a girl with dark pigtails, no more than three or four, came running over and reached for the seat that Ashlyn sat on

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Ashlyn's time spent basking in the sun was interrupted when several moments later, a girl with dark pigtails, no more than three or four, came running over and reached for the seat that Ashlyn sat on.

"Up, up," the girl asked, jumping to try and reach the seat. Gently, Derek lowered the seat while Ashlyn unfolded her legs, careful not to strike the child, holding the unit steady so that the child could just reach the handlebars.

Ashlyn smiled fondly at the young girl and looked around, searching for their parents, preparing to stand, and offer the seat to them.

A lady with the same dark hair came running over and promptly apologized, explaining that Maya loved teeter-totters, but all the other kids were too rough for her to play with. Maya, ignoring her mother, continued to try and climb up, so Derek stood allowing Ashyln's seat to rest properly atop the tire beneath it.

The woman gathered Maya in her arms and whispered apologies and excuses about her being too small to play.

Ashlyn slid back on her seat, making a little space for Maya and smiled at the woman.

I don't mind taking her? Or you could, and Derek can take the other end? Ashlyn offered, looking to Derek for assistance at the woman's pinched brows. Derek nodded and turned to the woman to explain.

"We'd be happy to give Maya a ride. She'll be in safe hands with Ashlyn, I promise," he smiled at both Maya's mother and then Ashlyn, the gesture more familiar when he looked at Ashlyn.

Maya wriggled in her mother's arms, reaching for the teeter-totter, but Ashlyn could see that her mother was still hesitant. Of course, it made sense with stranger danger being such an issue.

Ashlyn went to stand and offer her seat at the same moment Maya's mother spoke.

"I suppose that'll be okay. But I'm staying right here," she answered Derek hesitantly, placing Maya in front of Ashlyn. Ashlyn nodded in agreement, her smile kind.

Ashlyn wrapped one of her arms around Maya to hold her close, her other hand holding the handlebar, while Derek reassured her mother again that all would be okay before he climbed onto the other end.

Maya squealed with delight as the seat began to lift when Derek sat down, Ashlyn's feet brushing the ground below.

"Are you ready, Maya?" he asked, the teeter-totter sitting level, both his and Ashlyn's legs bent to provide a counterweight.

"Yes!" Maya screamed with enthusiasm, her mother and Ashlyn both laughing. Slowly Derek bent his legs as he lowered his end, and Ashlyn and Maya were raised into the air.

For the next ten minutes, they continued their movements, Maya having the ride of her life. The sound of her laughter when they went down, and her squeals as they rose, was music to Ashlyn's ears. The joy she had helped to capture resonated in her bones, every nerve alight with a mirrored joy.

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