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"Peach get down here, Aden yelled."

I rushed down as fast as I could to see what he wanted.

"Yes, Aden, I said."

"Remember you told me you love to travel? Well I'm here to make it happen. What do you say about us going to Rome, he said smirking?"

"ADEN YOUR TAKING ME TO ROME, I yelled excitedly. Can we go now please please please..."

"Peach calm down I love when you get excited it gets me excited too, he said."

I know exactly what he meant. Living with him for a month let me know how horny he can be. I have to let him know soon I think I'm pregnant. Maybe he'll calm down some.

"Aden not now, I'm tired out from this morning, I said while he hugged me."

"Peach I'll be gently. You don't have a choice peach, he said huskily."

"Ok daddy, carry me upstairs, I said lazily.'

"Who said we were going upstairs, he said while undressing?'

He began kissing my naked body. First my neck, then my breast, somehow he always ends up at my love below.

"Ohhhhhhh..., I moaned."

One thing I can say is this man is skillful.

"Peach wake up the Jets here, Aden said."

"I'm up, I'm up, I said groggily."

"Are you ok peach, you seem to be awfully tired, he said."

"I am, I said kissing him. Ok let's go to ROME, I screamed scaring him a bit."

The jet was nice once again we had the three people, two flight attendants and the pilot. Aden didn't try to touch me this time. We actually had a great conversation about our childhoods.

"No way, you cried how long because you couldn't get a toy, I said laughing in disbelief. You were such a spoiled rich kid, I laughed again."

"I was wasn't I, just know our kids will be spoiled too. I will also be spoiling you peach... you'll see, he said making me want him.

Damn hormones, yep I'm definitely pregnant. All I can think about is jumping his bones and sleeping.

"We finally arrived. We're in Rome, I said excitedly!"

I thought Aden would have gotten us a hotel but I should of knew his rich a** bought a mansion for us. He said everytime we come here we know have a home.

"Let's go to the mall. I'll buy you everything you want peach."

"Anything I said surprised?"

"What ever your pretty little heart desires. Just say the word and it's yours."

We went to the mall and I literally felt like Ariana Grande 7 rings. I wanted it and I got it. From the high end makeup, perfumes, handbags, to all designer clothes. My favorite Gucci jeans in every color.

"We took tours around Rome and seen iconic places

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