Chapter 23

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Holaaa famm!

Okay from now on, if you comment your name at the end of the chapter, I'll pick two people to shout out and one person to dedicate the following chapter to!

This is just to show my appreciation for you all and maybe later on I can do little givesways !!!

P.s. This is not to get comments... I just feel the need to do something nice... I'll even include a small thank you message.

Song: I Want It All by Artic Monkeys


Yevette's POV

"Oh my god! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you and Sebastian." I hated him. I hated him with all my heart. But my emotions were conflicting. I wanted to be happy for his little family but I hated him for using me two weeks ago in that bar parking lot.

He had sex with me knowing that he had a baby on the way. What kind of man? But I am also to blame here; I in the end did let this happen. But when I saw him crying in that car something came over me and when he begged me to sleep with him, I couldn't say no. I wanted to rid his pain one way or another. I was just that type of person I guess.

Lila had called me to tell me that she sent my bridesmaid dress with her driver and that she sent out save-the-date cards to her guests, but we ended up talking a bit and she broke the news to me.

"Thank you. After you spoke to him, he has changed a lot. He has been acting like he cares for me. What ever you did back there, please continue because you have helped my relationship." I almost gagged on the water I was sipping on.  I was positive if she knew what I did she would kill me. I was glad however that he kept up his end of the bargain.

"It's good to have a girlfriend besides my main bestie, to talk to. It gives me new perspective on things. New and different views. Thank you." I smiled as she spoke to me.

I felt a little free for once, knowing that my actions brought happiness and not pain for the people around me. It seemed as though however, everyone around me was getting pregnant. First was my sister and now Lila... I knew that I wasn't ready for a baby, not yet at least so I was aware that being careful was still on my agenda.

The doorbell chimed and Na'el ran to get the door. Her little feet slapping against the hardwood floor.

"It's a man in a suit with a dress..." I walked over to the door to see none other than Lila's driver.

"And he's here. Haha! I'm gonna go try on the dress. Talk later?"

"Yeah sure. Say hi to Tuck for me." And with that she hung up. I took the dress from the man and thanked him before locking the door.

"What's that?" Na'el asked me pulling down her dress. I smiled at her and removed the dress from the plastic casing, only to find a smaller one beneath it.

"It's a bridesmaids gown and what looks to be a tiny flower girl dress." Na'el jumped up and down clapping as I showed her both dresses. My phone pinged indicating a new message came in and when I checked it was from Lila.

Lila: Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that the little dress is for Na'el. I'm not sure if Tuck mentioned it but it would be so cute if she was my flower girl. Have a nice day :)

After reading it, I looked at the beautiful little girl standing in front of me and smirked.

"Lila says that this dress is for you." Her face lit up as though it was Christmas morning and she hugged my knees saying 'thank you' repeatedly all while giggles erupted from within her. "Wanna try it on?"

Her head shot up to me and her smile grew larger if that was even possible. She tried it on and of course looked so adorable in it. It was a pink and yellow dress with a pretty pastel purple bow in the back. The dress itself was decked out with little beads covering the bust to give it a beautiful shine and I was honestly a little jealous.

"Wow! You look gorgeous. Your dad is going to love you in this." I declared. I eyed my dress and I had to admit that it was beautiful. The dress was this cute light pink with a purple bust and a frill hem that complimented the entire dress.

It fit me like a glove and my curvy figure was not upset.

I had decided to call and check up on my sister since she had gone back to New York.

"I've went to the doctor twice now and she gave me some pre-natal gummies and also gave a me a list of things that I should and should not be doing." She explained.

"Have you spoken to mom?" I was curious to know since everyone was aware that my mother clearly wasn't happy.

"She called actually and wanted to make sure that I was safe. Yevette I'm so sorry I put you and mom through this. I never thought--I nevee meant for any of this to happen."

"It's okay. I know you didn't. Right now I'm just trying to do my final shopping because Lila's wedding is in two weeks time."

"How are you even getting to the Bahamas? I'm surprised that you even agreed to go."

"Well, Lila offered to pay for everything but Tuck and I agreed that we'd pay for our hotel while they handled travel costs. I am very excited for this to the point where I forgot that I have a wedding to plan for too." At least I was acknowledging my delima.

"Well you'll tell me how it goes and if any more babies are on the way." I laughed nervously.

I hadn't told her about Sebastian's baby yet and planned to keep it that way as I didn't like speaking about him to her at all. If I had to bring the baby up, then I would have to remember how he used me to get sex... But at the same time reminisce about how good it was and that was a recipe for disaster.

"Yeah sure... Hey um, I gotta go now. I think Tuck just got back from the grocery with Na'el. I gotta start preping dinner. Bye love you." She whispered a quick bye and hung up the call.

I was right though, Tuck had come back with some groceries.

"Hey babe," he kissed me quick, "I'm feeling for some chicken parm tonight. Is that okay with you? I think Naye would like that too."

I smiled at the man baby in my kitchen and nodded as I grabbed the chopping board and some knives.

Unknown POV

The day was nearing. Finally I would get my revenge on those assholes who used me. Especially her. I never liked her since the first time I saw her. I thought to myself that she seemed way too perfect, but I knew that she couldn't take what I had for myself. Boy was I wrong.

She took everything away from me, almost my job and she thinks that she could get away. Nope. No way. The amount of dirt I have on everyone is astonishing really. I could really fuck up people's careers and would I go to that extreme for vengeance? Hell. Yes. Anything to feel as though I am worth something.

My plan is almost complete as I decided last minute to change a few things about myself. Nothing big, like my hair, lipstick, nail. Regular girl stuff but trust me, when I pop out everyone is going to know my name.


I have certainly missed you guys soo much. Let me tell you the amount of writer's block that I've had over the past month and a half was terrible. I really wasn't motivated to write at all but thank you for being patient ♡♡♡



Also my mom has begun reading my story and she says that she loves reading yalls comments because you're soo funny (which is true) so keep on commenting. There's a high chance that I will reply to you.

Thank you all again gor everything!!

Until the next update,


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