Chapter 28 (1/3)

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Heyy! I'm sorry..? Lol this was a long wait but I'm here now. This is the first part of the finale, which will be 3 chapters (including an epilogue at the end of the last chapter) and the end of this book (until the rewrite comes out of course) Thank you guys so much for the continued support even though I've been awful to you guys. I've finally finished high school and will be starting college next semester so I have time to really write at the moment. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Song: The Birds Part 1 by The Weeknd

She was stunning, magnificent even with a big beautiful smile on her face. I felt at peace in that moment. My nervousness instantly vanished as she slowly walked towards me, her father on her arm. Although I've only met him a couple of times, I could tell that he was happy for his daughter and I could tell that he looked sad too. Maybe it was because he was giving away his pregnant daughter to a disgusting man, or maybe it was because he felt like I stole something from her. Either way I got the feeling that he just had to accept her choice even though he may not have agreed.

The soft violin enveloped me in a trance as Lila's long dress dragged behind her and her smile didn't falter not once. Everyone looking at her was in awe—she did look beautiful and she was going to be my wife and the mother to my child. Her father let go of her as she finally made it to my side, her eyes never leaving mine and I could see her eyes gloss over.

"I love you" she mouthed and turned to the marriage officiant who was grinning at us both.

"Wow, talk about a power couple. The chemistry is unreal." He said making my face heat up and making the crowd of people chuckle. "I see that you're both quite excited—just as I am—to get married so let's move this along as quickly as we can yeah?" I nod as well as Lila and take a deep ass breath. We turn to face each other and my eye catches Yevette with the rest of bridesmaids and she's giving me the most reassuring smile which makes me feel god.

I do want to do this. I do.

"We're all here today to celebrate the love of Lila Joseph and Sebastian Graham by joining their hearts and souls as one unit. By doing so, each person is making a lifetime commitment to love, cherish and take care of one another no matter what obstacles threaten their relationship. Marriage isn't only a legal commitment, but it goes far beyond that onto a spiritual level; which not many have had the grace of achieving. These two souls will join in harmony until the end of time, becoming a reflection of the other. You're going to vow to take care of each other, to stand up for one another, and find happiness in the other. There's a simple premise to each of these promises—you're vowing to be there. You're teaming up and saying to the other, “Every experience I am going to have, I want you to be a part of it" and sometimes that can be a hard thing to do. The most important thing to remember however, is that love always wins, and love once powerful enough can dismantle the largest of struggles."

Shit. This was actually happening. My hands had taken Lila's hands into mine without me even realising it but I guess I was comfortable. I could see tears forming in her eyes and my heart burst.

"Now this lovely couple chose to read their own vows today, so I'll allow the groom to go first." I felt dumbfounded, and like I couldn't move so I took another breath, gulped and let go of Lila's hands so I could retrieve my note from my pocket. I cleared my throat.

"Lila, you know that I'm not good at writing love notes or expressing my feelings very well, but I want you to know that you are so important to me. You've changed me for the better, and you've helped me to be more open about my feelings even though I still have a hard time doing so. I've hurt you so much in the past with my selfishness and I want you to know that I promise to not hurt you ever again because I love you so much. I want to be a good person for you and for our baby. You're going to be such an amazing mother because you're kind, and loving and gentle and very very patient which are things I hope to learn from you. You've made such a dent in my life with your light that I could not imagine being without you. I have taken you for granted countless times and I promise to not do that again because you are worth so much to me; you're priceless. And no amount of money or fame or any of that will ever come close enough to how much I love and care for you. I didn't believe in soulmates before I met you Lila Lian Jospeh, but that has changed. I love you, forever and always."

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