Chapter 29 (2/3)

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I kept my promise you see lol. Where's my formality? Hello cola family! I hope you're doing great and I hope you enjoy the chapter. This is the second to last chapter and I think you guys are gonna hate me at the end of this.... Buuuuut I'll keep my mouth shut.

Song: Wanderlust by The Weeknd

It's been a couple of weeks since I'd returned to Chicago and let me tell you, they've been hard. This is going to sound really fucking horrible but, Sebastian has been coming by to check on me since I basically went into a depressive state after getting back. I didn't want to work, eat or do anything. My mother and sister also have been worried but my mom has been busy with some things, so she hasn't been able to come over as often as she'd like.

Sebastian however, came over and made me food, made sure that I had at least gotten out of bed and made sure that I changed my clothes. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have been in this fucked up mess but, if it weren't for him, I'd probably be rotting in bed. He was currently in my kitchen making me some soup while I lay in my bed with my body facing away from my windows. Tuck moved out three days after we returned and I haven't heard from him since. I didn't know where he was, or if he was okay. I knew absolutely nothing. I was in my tank style pajamas with it's matching shorts, and the covers were pulled up across my lower half.

I prayed and hoped that Na'el didn't hate me for what I did. She was too young to carry such a burden like hate, especially for someone who was supposed to love and take care of her and her dad.

"Here ya go." Sebastian entered my room with a bowl and a spoon. He sat next to me. "Hey, you need to eat. Here." He said. This was routine at this point since I still hadn't felt like eating. I wanted to get out of my current state, but I couldn't find the motivation to do so. I felt like I was exerting too much energy by just even trying to feel better. I needed a little or maybe a big push to help me get to where I wanted to be, and luckily Sebastian was willing to give me that push even though it could certainly be annoying at times.

"Don't you have work to go to? Why do you keep checking up on me like I'm a fucking kid? I told you a million times that I was fine." I didn't move to speak to him and my voice was low. At this point, I was beginning to become frustrated with both myself and with everything around me. My stuffy suffocating room, my ex boyfriend, Sebastian-just every in general.

"I already told you, my brother would take care of work for the time being. You're more important-your well-being that is. If something bad were to happen to you... I couldn't..." My eyes stung and I didn't want to cry anymore. Crying became exhausting after the first week or so and now it felt like a chore even though I couldn't help myself.

"Shouldn't you be trying to win your girlfriend back?"

"Technically, she's not my girlfriend anymore." He muttered a bit sadly, "She doesn't want to get back with me, she doesn't even want to speak to or see me. She moved in with her parents and I've only seen her when she comes to get her things. I've tried so many times but she hates me."

"I just wanna disappear..." I whispered as a tear rolled down my cheek. As I said that, Sebastian put the bowl down on my bedside table and engulfed me in his arms. I didn't mean it in that way, but figures that's how he interpreted it as his actions were fast and gentle. I just wanted to be invisible for a couple days, I wanted to feel forgotten so that maybe my guilt would go away for some time.

"Don't say shit like that. I know things are hard right now, and I know it seems like the entire world hates you right now, but I'm here for you. And I know, I know I fucked up but you're the only person that I can turn to. We need each other right now Yevette..." Even though I hated admitting it he was right. He hit the nail on the head.

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