▹ Claimed.

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BTS and TXT were in the same room and George was having a hard time keeping himself together - they were just so cute! And he probably would have bursted into a puddle of uwus if he wasn't still trying to process that Jungkook was not the baby in the room.

The boy was now a Hyung and he was loving it. George, however, was not. Because as much as he loved the new additions to the family, Jungkook was still a baby in his eyes and he couldn't wrap his head around the fact that he is now a Hyung.

"Why are you staring at me like that? You literally look like a creep, stop." Jungkook pushed George's face away, but George retaliated by giving a smile - a very questionable one at that. Jungkook grimaced and moved away from the older boy.

"Just because you're a Hyung now does not mean you can disrespect me, get over here and cuddle me now, you're still a baby in our group, Kookie."

The younger group of boys giggled, causing Jungkook's face to flush slightly. This literally looked like a scene where a parent tried to embarrass their son in front of their friends. In this case, George was the parent, Jungkook was the son and TomorrowXTogether are the friends.

When Jungkook didn't budge, George narrowed his eyes and glanced around the room, his eyes landing on Taehyun, who had actually made him squeal when he walked into the room, holding onto Yeonjun's arm. It was adorable and from that moment, George claimed him as his own.

"That one is mine. Taehyun, come here." George made grabby hands towards the younger member, who blushed a deep red. He detached himself from Yeonjun and scurried into George's open arms. The members of TXT grinned at each other upon knowing that George was actually Taehyun's bias.

Jungkook, as 'cool' as he thinks he is now that he's a Hyung, couldn't deny that he was a little jealous of George's interaction with the younger boys. He had pretended to hate how George babied him - in reality, everybody knew he loved it - so it was rather amusing to see him pout in the corner as his Hyung gave the cuddles he used to get to somebody else.

"I have expired apparently." Hueningkai, TXT's Maknae heard the grumble and giggled to himself, Jungkook smiled and threw his arm around him.

"I have claimed Taehyun as my own," announced George.

"I remember when he claimed me as his own," Jungkook mumbled, thinking back to the debut days when George literally became his Co-Parent with Jin.

Jimin, who was sat beside him elbowed Jungkook as he tried to keep his laughter down. He'd never seen Jungkook so bitter before - well he had, but not over George. It was amusing to see just how much Jungkook loved having George's attention.

"Still love being a Hyung?" Jimin muttered into his ear with an amused smile.

Jungkook replied with a sarcastic one of his own. "Absolutely love it." The reply came through gritted teeth. George didn't bat a single eyelash in Jungkook's direction for the remaining time that TXT was in the room, he was either being a motivational speaker or giving his attention to Taehyun or Beomgyu.

When they left, George finally decided to pay some attention to his sulking Maknae after being informed by both Taehyung and Jimin that Jungkook was feeling a little bit bitter. Plopping himself down in the seat next to Jungkook, George smiled but it quickly morphed into a smirk when Jungkook only turned away from him.

So he is jealous.

"So you don't wanna be babied, but you don't like it when I baby other people?" There was no response from Jungkook, so George continued, "or maybe you do like being babied by me but you don't want to admit it because you're a Hyung now and too cool for that."

Jungkook frowned and finally turned to face him. "No matter what you do, I'll always be cool. I'm Jeon Jungkook."

"The nations biggest dork," George finished with a proud smile. "I can't believe you got jealous over Taehyun. How did you expect me to not baby them? 5 cuties that all remind me of you when you. I miss my baby Jungkook."

"I'm still your baby," Jungkook muttered.

"Oh, you are?" George laughed. "Alright then, give me a hu-humph-God I forgot you've been working out." Jungkook tightened his grip around George.

"You can claim Taehyun but I claim you."

And that might have been the cutest thing George had ever heard, smiling he patted Jungkook's head softly.

"And you claim me."

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