▹ Cuddles equal happiness

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George is rarely ever sad and when he is there's no bringing him out of it until he's ready to talk. George Lee likes to be alone when he's sad just to gather his thoughts and keep his negative mood away from everyone else. They didn't have to be in a bad mood just because he is.

Though, there are some times when George is sad and he just wants to be babied and loved. Today happens to be one of those days and he wanted nobody but Hoseok.

Standing in the doorway of Hoseok's bedroom, George poked out his lips sadly and shuffled his feet until his member noticed him. When Hoseok finally did, a small coo left his lips at the sight of George in a fluffy bear hoodie and some joggers.

Immediately, Hoseok knew what was wrong and without any hesitation, he held out his arms and made grabby hands. A wide smile spread across George's face as he closed the door and cutely ran into Hoseok's arms.

"You okay, Bubble?"

George shrugged his shoulders and his face in Hoseok's shoulder. It wasn't nice seeing George sad but Hoseok had to admit that he enjoyed when George got clingy.

The two laid in silence for a good fifteen minutes just enjoying the comfort and warmth of their bodies being pressed against each other whilst George curled up against the male's chest.

"HYUNG WHERE—oh." Taehyung stood in the doorway after spotting the two. With George not even reacting, Taehyung knew something was up immediately. "Is he okay? Why is he sad? Do I need to get Kookie to fight someone?"

"Why won't you fight them?" Hoseok asked.

"Do you think I'm ready to bruise these knuckles? My body is designer, I ain't bruising it for anyone."

"Fanfiction Taehyung says otherwise."

George reads fanfiction. Sue him.

"What's wrong, Bubble? Why are you sad?" Hoseok tried again, running his hands through George's dark hair.

"Tired," George mumbled. "Didn't sleep much."

The two knew there was something more to the story but neither pried. George would tell them in his own time when he's ready to completely share the story.

Taehyung ran a hand through his hair as the thought about things that could possibly help. "Do you want me to get you some snacks and maybe the three of us can watch a movie?"

George seemed to perk up at that. He pulled his head away from Hoseok's chest and looked at Taehyung with hopeful eyes.

"Disney movie?"

The two other males rolled their eyes playfully, of course, he would suggest a Disney movie.

Taehyung nodded his head with a glimmer in his eye. He has said it a thousand times and he'll say it again. Kim Taehyung loves George Lee.

"Of course. What else would cheer up our Prince Charming?"

George blushed and laughed shyly. He looked down for a second before looking. back at Taehyung, completely flattered.

"You think I'm a prince?"

Hoseok chuckled as Taehyung grinned widely at the question. "Not only do I think you're a prince but so do Army! Haven't you seen the comments where they call you their real-life Prince Charming?"

George giggled. Yes, he giggled and hid his mouth behind his hand as he flushed an even deeper red, excitement filling his eyes.

"They say that? Really?"

"Yeah! Do you want me to show you?"

George looked sheepish as he nodded. Taehyung pried the phone out of his pocket and opened up Twitter. Once all of the tweets were up on his screen, he showed them to George who squealed excitedly.

"They think I'm Prince Charming! That's so cool!"

After the excitement settled down, Taehyung headed to grab some snacks whilst Hoseok searched for George's favourite film. He decided he wanted to watch Aladdin as George hadn't watched it in a week.

Once the three were all settled on Hoseok's bed, they stuffed their faces with snacks whilst watching multiple Disney movies. George's mood progressively got happier and by the time Jin walked in to check on them, he found 3 unconscious males all curled up with snacks all over the bed.

He rolled his eyes at the mess before closing the door and headed out of the room leaving them to nap after a long day of movies and cheering up.


i need me a Tae and Hoseok honestly.

thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but i hope you enjoyed anyway.

you're greatly appreciated 💜

- blue x

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