▹ George's teasing

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— This chapter was written at 6 AM. I am in no sleep but I will get some after this is published. That is my excuse for this chapter being full of mistakes.

Also, the gif below of Baekhyun inspired me to do this chapter. The gif is not mine. Credit to the original owner.

Also, I have a question; do you picture George as Heo Chan? The guy in the college at the start or if not who do you picture him as? Just interested.

George usually liked the rain, he'd always found it particularly relaxing especially when he was trying to sleep

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George usually liked the rain, he'd always found it particularly relaxing especially when he was trying to sleep. However, there's one time George despises the rain and that's when he has to perform in it. Not only is it cold, but it's dangerous as well as his anxiety is raised up 2028228 notches at the thought of one of his members getting hurt and army getting sick.

George's t-shirt was stuck to his body and he was worried that somebody would have to cut him out of his trousers. His hair was stuck to his forehead as the rain drops ran down his arms. Needless to say, it was a sight to see for definite. He ran a hand through his hair and flicked his head back as if to yeet the raindrops away.

Thousands screamed at the small action startling him slightly. RM grinned and passed him the microphone, which startled him even more. He glanced around at the group who were anticipating his speech.

"Uhhhhhhhh-" he dragged it out as he tried to think of something. "I wasn't prepared, so. I just want to say that I hope you are all wrapped up well, I don't want any of you getting sick because of us. If you aren't wrapped up well then—I was gonna suggest you hug each other but that's kinda dangerous. So, run on the spot but please, for the love of Jesus, don't slip. Yeah...I love—"

"GEORGE TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT AND SHOW US THE ABS OF STEEL WE KNOW YOU HAVE!" Screamed someone in the crowd earning laughs and screams all around.

George stared at the one specific spot where the yell sounded from and blinked blankly, but there was a hint of a teasing smile on his face. George was about to be George and he was about to either embarrass the person who screamed or simply cause them a heart attack. Either way, the person that screamed certainly wouldn't mind either if it meant getting noticed.

"I'm sure you'd love that wouldn't you?" He responded with a cheeky wink. "You'd love if I just pulled a Jungkook and lift my shirt mid way through the performance."

His free hand latched onto the end of his shirt and slowly he began to lift the material. Screams echoed around the stadium as a tiny bit of George's skin was exposed before he pretended to jolt forward, his hand dropped from the shirt and he around with an 'oopsie' expression.

"Oh I slipped, maybe another time."

The fans cried out in disappointment causing George to grin widely. Oh he loved his job. ARMY were not immune to George's pranks, stupidity and teasing. No way, just like the rest of the boys, they were victims too. A loud chant of 'do it' began to sound and soon enough even the boys were chanting it.

George stood still, shoulders slumped an a smile on his face. Jimin threw an arm around George's shoulder.

"Give the people want they want Georgie."

George pushed him away and lifted the microphone to his mouth. "You're all perverts."

They screamed loudly earning a loud laugh from George. He bent his knees and leaned back, throwing his head back as he laughed. The smile on his face was enough to melt anybodies heart. If you aren't enchanted by George Lee's laughter then you're either a liar or blind.

George placed the microphone on the floor gently and quietly before glancing around. He then lifted his shirt up for a second - and just a second - before dropping to his knees with his hand covering his face. He felt like he was going deaf by the loud screams.

"YOOOOOOOO! George has been working out!" Jin yelled into the microphone.

Hoseok helped George off the ground and laughed gently as he turned and buried his face into Hoseok's neck embarrassed. The moment only created a much louder reaction from fans causing George's cheeks to glisten a deep red colour.

"You're all legends. George is the hardest person to make blush. You guys achieved it!" Jungkook said into the microphone, clapping his hands along with Jimin and Taehyung. RM and Suga were laughing at the situation whilst Jin was laying on the floor in stitches. Hoseok was still holding a very embarrassed George.

"Never again will I do that," George spoke into the microphone. "You all embarrassed me! I thought you loved me!"

A new chant of 'we love George' began which earned a wide loving grin from the boy himself.

"I love you guys too! So much."

Yeah...George loved his job and the people surrounding him. He had a pretty good life...

Okay so imma sleep now, but that gif of Baekhyun will forever be the death of me.

Thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but I hope you enjoyed anyway.

You are greatly appreciated 💜

- Blue x

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