▹ A jealous Jimin

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"He was supposed to be here by now!"

It isn't often that the BTS boys are separated, so when Hoseok had to take a solo trip to LA it goes without saying that George was lost. He disliked being away from his members, but having J-Hope absent was weird as he was usually the main source of light which shines in George's world. It had not only been hell for him but for the boys too who had fallen victim to George's constant complaining. He was like a child begging for his parents to come home.

"Chill, his flight landed and he's on his way here right now. You're acting as if you haven't been without him before," Yoongi spoke with a firm eye roll at the male's impatience.

George narrowed his eyes at the older member, clearly disliking the negativity which was surrounding Yoongi. Hoseok had texted him not long ago labelling his whereabouts, but it seemed like a lifetime had passed by.

"MAYBE IF YOU HAD SOMETHING- NO SOMEONE- YOU WERE PASSIONATE ABOUT-" George didn't get to finish his sentence as the door flung open to reveal a tired-looking Jung Hoseok. Dropping his anger towards Yoongi, George took off running towards the door not even giving Hoseok a chance to close the door before he jumped into his arms.

Surprised but happy, Hoseok managed to catch the tall male with a shocked chuckle. Internally, Yoongi thanked the gods for bringing Hoseok back. He slid past the hugging pair and closed the door, giving Hoseok a pat on the back as he left to leave the pair in their own space.


"Never leave me again. I can't cope. Do you have any idea how dull my world became without my sunshine? Oh, Hobi it was horrid!" George explained in a grave tone as he clutched onto his hyung.

The rest of the members filed out into the hallway at the commotion just to find a koala like George clinging to a grinning Hoseok, who was somehow managing to keep him up. Jungkook glanced at Jimin with a smirk taking note of the jealousy on his hyung's face.

"Bit rude that he never does that to me but ok." Jimin rolled his eyes and turned around to face Taehyung, who was also grinning at the jealousy. Though the pair had to admit that their friendship was adorable.

Jin managed to pull George off of Hoseok to give the others a chance to greet him. George kicked out, but eventually gave up and decided to retreat towards a sulking Jimin and a smirking Jungkook.

Not even noticing the glare on Jimin's face, George began to boast about his excitement for Hoseok's return. Jungkook's amusement increased massively whilst Jimin's mood decreased even more.

"It's just been so weird without him he-"

"WHY DON'T YOU MARRY HIM THEN?" Jimin snapped before stomping away from the pair.

Jungkook clapped his hands whilst laughing and George stared after Jimin with his mouth open agape. The older boy turned to Jungkook and blinked blankly. He was genuinely confused.

"Was it something I said?"

"Oh man this is brilliant," Jungkook clapped with a bright smile on his face, confusing the older male a lot more.

Had he missed something?

15 minutes later and Jimin has yet to return, so George took it upon himself to go find him. Pushing the kitchen door open, he found the younger boy scrolling through his phone with a childish - yet adorable - pout on his lips.

When the door squeaked, Jimin glanced up to see who had entered and immediately scoffed when he saw it was the last person he wanted to see – okay that's a lie, he really wanted it to be George but he wouldn't admit that.

"I see you have finally remembered that I exist," he mused.

"I mean kinda hard to forget that you exist. You might be small b-"

"Don't even bother finishing that sentence. I didn't come here to be insulted." George opened his mouth to comment that he was the one that entered the kitchen, but decided against it considering he already seemed a little pissed off for whatever reason.

Sighing, the older male slid into the seat across from him and clasped his hands together with a frown. He knew he had done something wrong, he just couldn't figure out what. You see, Jimin was clingy specifically to George. Why? Nobody really knows, but he never acts like this with his elder unless he's done something wrong.

George being the oblivious guy he is, never knows what he's done and that annoys Jimin to no end. Honestly, they're like an old married couple at this point.

"So...what did I do to upset you this time?" Breaking the silence, George pushed out the question.

Jimin looked up from his phone, a scowl on his face. Annoyance ran through his brains, but he swallowed it back and chuckled. Immediately, George's brain screamed danger. He had managed to piss Jimin off further.

"You don't know?"

"What's the right answer?" George asked, cocking his head to the side. When he saw that Jimin didn't take a liking to that comment either, he sighed. "No. I don't know Jimin because I'm not a mind reader."

"It's nothing."

George raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

"Positive." Jimin nodded with a smile.

George visibly relaxed and nodded along with him. Muttering a breathy 'okay', he pushed himself out of the chair and headed towards the fridge happily.

"I just think it's funny how you basically ignore me all day for Hoseok and then waltz in here acting like you don't know what's wrong with me."

George stopped with his back facing Jimin and an internal groan. Why couldn't that be the end of it? Why is it never so simple with Park Jimin?

"Are you jealous, Jimin? Is that what this entire thing is about?"

Jimin laughed loudly, looking away from him as he slammed his hand against the table because he found George's statement that funny. Though, George saw right through the laugh — he just didn't wanna admit he was actually jealous.

Smirking, the older boy folded his arms. "You are jealous!"

"No I'm not. Shut up."

Smiling smugly, George skipped over to Jimin's chair and wrapped him in a hug. "Aww is my Little Jimin feeling neglected?"

"Partially. You're my best friend too but never get that excited when I return from a trip of some sort!"

"That's because you bombard me with phone calls, texts and FaceTimes every second. I don't get a chance to miss you."

Jimin opened his mouth to object, but he quickly realised that George did have a point.

"Well...you know what, I don't care."

George only wrapped him up tighter in his arms and smiled brightly. "Don't worry, your little jealousy moods are adorable."

And suddenly, Jimin didn't feel as sad anymore.

Jimin is a cutie isn't he? 😊

Thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but I hope you enjoyed anyway.

You're greatly appreciated 💜

- Blue x

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