▹ The collab release

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Almost two months after their supposed 'date', George Lee and Lee Hi release their highly anticipated collab. 

The word of a collaboration between the two started going around in July. Shortly after the rumour started to go around, the pair were caught out on what many assumed to be a date, however, it was later confirmed by BigHit Entertainment that the meeting was strictly professional which seemingly confirmed the suspicions. 

Now, two months later and the song has finally been released after a lot of hard work from both parties. The song is without a doubt, amazing and we look forward to future work from both of them. 


It had been a busy week for George and the release of 'Dream' had completely slipped his mind. Far too preoccupied with preparing himself for the VMAs, he hadn't been paying much attention to his solo stuff until he was informed by his manager that the song would be dropping at midnight. The next morning, he awoke to a million notifications from various different people, congratulating him and complimenting the song. 

Eyes barely open, he sent a quick message to Lee Hi to thank her for all of her hard work on the song. After that, his mind went straight back to his group activities. Of course, he was excited about the release and he was beyond proud of their work but George prioritized BTS over anything and he had to focus on his preparations for the VMAs recording. 

Pushing himself out of bed, George stretched out his body before throwing a shirt over his head. He swept a very excited but hungry Pluto off of his feet and headed out of his bedroom. George stepped into the kitchen and much to his surprise, all of the boys were standing there in silence. He could've sworn he had heard them talking when he opened his door. 

Glancing around suspiciously, he took in their 'casual' expressions. They were definitely up to something. 

George handed Pluto to Jungkook and headed to the corner of the kitchen where they kept all of Pluto's things. He filled up the bowl with the correct amount of food before placing it on the floor with a chuckle as his dog practically jumped out of Jungkook's embrace to get to his bowl. Once Pluto was taken care of, George turned around and leaned against the island. 

With narrowed eyes, George glanced around at his members. "Why are you all acting so weird?" 

"Weird? We're not acting weird," Jin responded as cooly as possible. 

George gave a slow nod in response. In all honesty, he was far too sleepy to question it any further. He pushed himself off of the island and followed Pluto to the door, prying it open so he could go out and do his business. 

"Since you all wanna be odd, I'm gonna go sit outside. Watching Pluto poop is probably less awkward than standing in here." The boys all watched as George stepped outside after Pluto, closing the door carefully behind him. 

Taehyung let out a breath. "Thank god he's gone, I didn't know how much longer I could keep my mouth shut." 

"Yeah but Pluto doesn't take long so we need to hurry this up, quickly!"

Completely oblivious as to the chaos now going on inside of the dorm, George sat and watched Pluto run around. It was a cold morning and he shivered as an icy gust of wind swept over his body. He had made the mistake of throwing on a pair of shorts and a short-sleeved shirt; he was absolutely freezing. He was about to turn around and head inside to grab a jacket when Pluto caught his eye.

"Toto, that branch is far too big for you. You're going to hurt yourself!" George turned back to face him meaning he didn't get to see Jimin standing in the window with a massive banner in his hands.

Their plan nearly failed but luckily, Pluto has a taste for danger and took away his attention. 

As George chased a mischievous Pluto, the boys added the finishing touches to their surprise before all getting into a hiding spot. George huffed loudly and threw the branch aside after successfully managing to take it from Pluto, who began trotting innocently towards the door as if he hadn't just had his owner running ragged for a large branch. 

"You will act innocent you little troublemaker." 

George pushed the door open and let Pluto enter first before following. He was about to close the door when the lights switched on and there was suddenly confetti everywhere. George jumped and stumbled back, only to trip over the doorframe and landed flat on his ass outside. 

"Well, that wasn't supposed to happen," Jungkook muttered. 

"You think?!" George asked from the floor before taking Hoseok's hand and pushing himself up onto his feet. "What is this?" 

"Well, with the release of your collab we thought we would have a little celebration breakfast before we start the day! We wanted to surprise you since you seemed a little stressed!" Hoseok explained excitedly, leading him further into the kitchen. 

There were balloons and party streamers everywhere as well as cake and ice cream. To some, it didn't seem like much but to George it was amazing. 

"You guys really did this?" 

"It was mostly Yoongi's idea," Jin pointed out, tapping a now very embarrassed, Min Yoongi's shoulder. 

"I mean, you surprised me with cake after my collab with IU and-hmph" 

George didn't let him finish and flung himself into Yoongi's arms, hugging him tightly. Yoongi slowly responded to the hug, patting George's back awkwardly. 

"Okay, that's enough." Yoongi pushed him away after 3 seconds but George didn't mind. His smile never faded as he looked around. 

"OKAY ENOUGH OF THE LOVE, LET'S EAT SOME CAKE!" Taehyung yelled out with his fork in the air. 

George sat down in his seat and he couldn't stop looking around. He was so beyond grateful for his members. 


i had no idea where to go with this so, i just started typing and well we ended up here and i think it's kinda cute.

thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but i hope you enjoyed anyway. 

you're greatly appreciated 💜

— blue x 

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