A Long Time Coming

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A few days later they finally arrived at the long house of the King.  It was massive.

Unlike the other long houses this one had rooms connecting to it. At first Ian was to be given no room, but Galek had expertly intervened and requested then granted a room.  In fact not just any room but a room large enough for Galek to have his own space near the door for guarding, a sort of anti- chamber. 

Thank you said Ian to the orc King. 

You are welcome.  I look forward to watching our bridge built and learning your ways. We have much to accomplish in one year. 

I will be ready in the morning. 

He bowed leaving the orc and the hall erupting in woops and hollers and animalistic sounds from the beasts around him. The orc King beat his staff loudly and the hall went silent then back to murmurings.

Galek took him to his room. 

I am going to go attend the horse and get the supplies.  When I leave put this at the door. And hold this.  He pointed to a huge chair and handed him a knife. 


Don't argue. 

He sat thinking of the laughter he had received upon entering the great hall.

Who is this? Yelled the king coming down from his seat. 

He is the human engineer who will build the bridge. 

Ahhh yes.  Set to stay a year and a day I believe. 

Tell me human do you like our country so far?

The King sneered at the human excited by the tough circumstance he had put him in. 

The long houses are nice.  We do not have them in my country. 

"No I imagine not.  Tell me.. Ian why are you so fat? Do women like pudgy round men where you come from?"

The hall had grown deathly silent. 

"It is the way God made me. I have spent many years inside studying books.  I do not have a woman. Yet."

"Ahhh yes.  So you hope to have one someday? Tell me how do you hope to fuck her if your cock is hidden by your bulging fat?"

"I'm sure it will all work out.  Even porcupines find a way to mate."

The orc King roared in laughter.  And Ian had shrewdly provided comedy when the king had hoped to anger him. 

Someone me where do we plan to house this human...
and the conversation had continued. 

Galek was at the door and he moved the chair for him. 

I've brought food and water. Later bath water will be brought. 

When do you leave?

"I don't.  I have to keep you alive, fat one." He half cocked a smile and Ian smiled remember his introduction with the king.

I will be in this part of the room so you will have most of this to yourself as I have seen you like. 

They sat eating the meal. Downstairs the orc goings ins could be heard. 

How can you do this? Don't you hate having to be here instead of downstairs? How will you survive this Galek?

Galek looked up from his food. 

That is a lot to say.  I am fine.  Yes.  I miss my friends.  Yes I miss our ways.  You are very quiet.  But I have pledged to keep you alive and that is the most important thing. 

The Orc Warrior and the Soft Man حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن