Lose everything to gain it all pt 2.

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Ian awoke three days later. He couldn't move and his face was so bandaged he couldn't speak.

His mother came over to him. She'd been by him in the abbey as they worked to heal him.

Oh Ian. My boy."

Tears came down his cheeks. He was so glad to see her. 

A nun came in. She removed part of the bandage on his face.

"You will need to stay here for a week longer."

Ian remained quiet. He had much to consider.

"Thank you mother for watching over me but you need to go. I need to be able.  I need space. "

She hesitated.

"Mother leave me."

She hesitated again.

"Or I will have you thrown out."

She left. While he loved her it took that level of threatening with her.  She responded to power.

"I will return tomorrow to see how you fare."

He spent hours in the bed moaning from pain. Then sleeping. Thinking.  Then simply meditating.  Clearing his mind.  Trying to think about what his next move should be. And of course his next actions depended on one simple question: should he join to Galek? 

He tried reasoning. He tried lining up pros and cons. Finally it came down to one simple truth which he had not realized until now! The idea of leaving the orc and experiencing life without him left him with such emptiness that he understood and it caught him off Gaurd.


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