Lose Everything to Gain It All Pt3

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Ian called for a nun.

"I need parchment and a writing tool. I must get a note to the King!"

Clearly not as concerned as he, she nodded and shuffled back to find the items.

His mother had come earlier with bread and cheese. The cheese had been too rich for him and he had spent the morning throwing it back up. He'd manage to send her away after spending some time with her.

He knew the nuns would never let him leave. His mother would never let him get out of bed and if the king saw him all would come to a striking fault.

At first he had thought to write to the king but now he realized he have to get word directly to Galek.

A word to the king instead of a visit might blow over. He'd be halfway into orc country by the time the king got it.

The nurse returned with the things he'd asked for.

"I no longer need them but I do need my mother. Send for her. I need her alone. Hurry!"


"Here I am."

She came in with a sing song voice ready to help as long as it was her way.

"Mother something has happened and you are the only one who can help."

"I'm here.  Tell me what you need."

"I need you to go to the edge of the city and then ride 10 more miles.  You will have to take men with you. I need you to bring a canteen filled with water from the brook behind our house. At the end of the 10 miles when you arrive you'll see an orc hoard.  Waive the white flag they are on a peace mission so you will be safe.  I guarantee it.  On my life! You are to give the orc, Galek a cup of water from the canteen."

"That is absurd.  I will not do this. No. Absolutely not."

"Yes you will! I will see it done by you or I will inflict such pain you will wish you had never borne me or birthed me!"

He knew not to give her an inch.  She froze having never heard such finality in his voice.

She paused. 

Her demeanor changed and she started fiddling with her garments as if nothing serious were going on.

"Ahh well. When would you like me to do this?"

"You'll need time to get the horses and gather men.  Tomorrow morning no later."

"This has to happen mother.  It is for the glory and honor of the King and our good family name.  See to it.  I will make sure to heal extra fast for you as a reward."

"She smiled in a strained way and kissed him on the head."

"I will organize and carry this out for the sake of our family name."

"We are fulfilling a post treaty promise to send a token of good will to them before their return journey"

"So the cup of water and nothing else?"

"Aye.  It is a token.  Meant to wish them well."


She turned to go.


"One last thing.  You must hand the cup to Galek he is their leader.  You must say these words: Ian is giving you this cup of water from brook behind his house.  He thanks you for saving and protecting him that day at the river.  He wishes you well in your journey to join back."

"That's a strange way of saying it."

"Just say it! Repeat it back to me.  You cannot forget."

She repeated it back her mind as sharp and shrewd. 

Worn out from the exertion he hoped his plan to ask Galek for help would work.

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