Receiving Word

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News from the human King came. He was amazed that Ian wanted to join with an orc. He blessed it, but the agreement came with several conditions. Ian would have to return for the use of his skills each season after his docca training.

The orc King was equally content to bless the union as that meant more advising from the book-smart human.

All that remained now was to see the counsel once more. He loved the idea of finally getting to train Ian.

He took Ian to see the counsel orcs

In the vestibule Ian was given a traditional leather apron to wear.

"What? No! I'm just not ready."

"They will not see you without it."

Ian nodded. Relinquishing a bit more.  Inching closer and closer to what they both knew was the inevitable.

Galek and he removed his clothing and then tied the apron around his hips, his belly hung out and over the cord a bit and his belly button stuck out. His curly hair fell unruly around his face.  He was a sight.  Galek wanted to fuck him right there. 

"You are the most beautiful thing I've seen."

Ever the intellectual Ian did not understand.

"I am naked. My body is unfit."

"I love your curves."

Sighing he half smiled at Galek. 

"This is hard for me Galek."

Galek sought to comfort his friend.

"These orcs have seen many men. You are no different."

Ian pressed away from him scoffing.

"I assure you I am."

"Come here."
Galek touched and fondled him until he was humming with pleasure gazing heavy lidded at him. Reaching underneath his leather apron and running his hands over the soft curls there turning his cocklet pink and hard.  He held his face and kissed the man.

"Come. All will be well."

Short of breath Ian simply padded forward into the open space of the great hall among the old wise orcs. 

The air was kept warm for his body and moving into the torch lit room was not too unpleasant.

Galek had instructed him not to convert himself.  Instead he held on to Galek with one had and let the other fall naturally. 

He kept his mind on why he'd come.

"This is the man?"


"We were not aware he was a hermaphrodite."

Ian blushed heavily.

"Oh he isn't. His chest is just larger than most and he is soft rather than muscled."

"Does he possess a cock? We were not sure. It could not be seen."

Slightly offended by the question he found it hard to think clearly.  He naked both physically and emotionally.  He kept his eyes on Galek. 

"Yes counselorc."

Galek reached down to pull away the leather but Ian caught his hand.

"Trust me. Remember you are my treasure."

Ian let go.

There revealed for them - his tiny cock and balls centered on his puffy groin surrounded by chestnut curls.

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