Ian (erotic)

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Galek knew exactly what had happened to Ian.

All his life he'd been an ambiguous blob. A nothing. Watching other couples form, watching life happen around him, not really having an opinion one way or the other. He was an empty vessel - A plaster in which Galek was supposed to imprint his hand. to burn himself onto the blankness. He'd been a broth with no flavor ready to be flavored with the first attraction that brought him to life.

Galek had brought him to life.

Since their kiss nothing else had happened. Ian was really in a state of confusion now. Instead of fewer questions he found he had more.

They simply went through the days. Still enjoying their time together and their growing friendship. all the while Ian adjusting to the reality of what he'd done.

Galek knew something would have to happen to drive him permanently to the orc ways. He didn't know what. If it didn't happen he knew Ian would return home.

He would be patient and wait to see.

Ian loved having a friend waiting in his rooms. He loved the companionship. Galek had been priceless in the field. Helping to communicate with the orc overseers and the manual grunt work. Without him nothing of the bridge would be possible. Galek understood him in ways the others did not.

He found himself staring at Galek. Comparing him to other orcs and finding him superior. This made him happy as he contemplated his time with the orc and his own sexuality.

A quiet hunger between them grew. And yet the very idea of it shocked and stunned him, as unnatural as it was.

One day Galek, opening the door to their room, quickly closed it and then grabbed Ian in a deep kiss.

The orc made grunting sounds.

He worked Ians mouth keeping him breathless and feverish while he pulled at clothes.

It was at this moment that several thoughts came into play for Ian.

First in this moment he no longer thought of himself as ugly.  Surrounded by monsters and beasts, his soft pudgy body seemed angelic. He was no longer the bottom of the barrel, he was THE one and only. He was it. No one looked, felt, or smelled like him. So when Galek began removing clothes he didn't push his orc friend away. Instead his skin felt hot and Galek was the cooling answer.

He decided to be brave with these new feelings and touches. If the orc wanted to see him then so be it. His confidence however wavered greatly. 

Finally all that lay between them was his undershirt.

The kissing stopped.

They stood. Watching.  Eyes kept on the other's eyes. Time paused.

Galek took his hands at the opening of the shirt and ripped down the middle in a slow fashion until the shirt lay open in two down the center exposing his soft hairless skin, all the way down just past his chest.

All his life Ian had worn layers of clothes to conceal his man-breasts from the world and now here he was completely exposed to this gruesome male orc. Ian breathed heavy like a caught bird. Looking at Galek. Nervous. Panting. Still unsure and scared.

Galek gingerly and softly reached inside the torn tunic clothing for the cone shaped man-breast.

He spoke with growling emotion to the man as he softly touched his nipple.

"These belong to me. I want to suck on them and touch them as I please, when I please."

"Mine" he whispered. 

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