Chapter 7

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After we reintroduced ourselves to each other Aidan said we should go update everyone else. We leave the spare room and head up a flight of stairs. The contrast between this floor and the floor below is huge. This floor feels more like a home. There are paintings along the hallway, tables with colorful flowers in decorative vases, and framed pictures strategically placed. Before I can ask Aidan about it he opens a door on the left. I step inside first seeing everyone already seated at a large oval table.

Aidan ushers me over to the far side of the table. He sits down at the head of the table, and motions for me to sit in the chair to his left. I sit down across from Alex and to my left is Emeric. Next to Alex is Violet, and on the other side of Violet is Ryder.

Violet gives me a reassuring smile before mouthing, "Are you ok?" I nod my head to let her know everything is fine for now.

Aidan clears his throat before speaking up.
"As you all know Della is my mate." Ryder cuts him off before he can continue.

"Is she though? Because the way she reacted that night portrays quite the opposite." He sneers at me. Aidan tenses up at his outburst. I on the other hand don't react. I know people like Ryder they want a response out of you, it fuels them. I maintain eye contact with Violet to make sure to keep my cool.

"We are mates." Aidan states emphasizing each word to leave no room for any doubt. I turn towards the rest of the table to get a feel for their emotions. Alex is a wall showing no emotion what so ever. Emeric looks happy at the news giving me a warm smile. Violet's the same as Emeric. Ryder is the only person in the room who's upset.

"I can't imagine how protective you all feel over Aidan." I get cut off before I can say anymore.

"Yeah you can't rogue." Ryder spits. I decided to ignore him. I'll figure out his problem with me later.

"As I was saying I can't imagine how protective you must be over Aidan. I'm sure the other night was hard not only on Aidan," I turn towards him to give him a sympathetic look. "But all of you." I glance at the rest of the table. "Just know I never had any malicious intentions." I lean back in my chair to show I'm done with my speech.

"We know that Luna." The hair on the back of my neck stands strait up at the term. I know Emeric said it out of instinct, but I wasn't prepared for it. Aidan must have sensed my nervous apprehension because he cleared his throat turning everyone's attention from me to him. 

"I thought this meeting was the best idea to get us all on the same page without any confusion. First I want to ask you a few questions. Is that alright?" It takes me a minute to realize his question is directed towards me. I sit up a little straighter nodding.  "Did you know the person who was chasing you onto our territory?"

When he says our territory I'm not sure whether he means his and mine or his and theirs. Frankly I don't know which answer frightens me more.

"No. He was some random rogue I happened to stumble into at the wrong time."  I almost chuckle at the memory of his face when I tripped over his sleeping form. It gets stuck in my throat when I remember the the faint scars of the injures I acquired because of him.

"Were you born a rogue?" Emeric pipes in curious.

"No." I can already see where this conversation is going and I don't like it.

"What pack?" Alex asks innocently. I see Violet get his attention and shake her head at him.

"How long have you been a rogue?" She tries to steer the conversation in a different direction which I'm thankful for.

"Eight years." I'm pretty sure everyone in this room already knew that. Just when I think I'm in the clear Ryder speaks up.

"What pack are you from?" He doesn't ask it more like sternly commands an answer. Jokes on him I can guarantee I'm ten time more stubborn than he is.

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