Chapter 29

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The room falls silent as Aidan, Alex, Fletcher, and Ryder enter the room. Emeric and I stop what we are doing waiting for them to say something. Aidan looks guilty but doesn't speak up, so Alex is the one who steps up and walks over to us.

"We're going to make a phone call to the council." I roll my eyes at them. Emeric and I stand up taking our folders filled with paperwork with us. I don't want to get in their way while they waste their time.  If they want to call the council than so be it, but I have more important issues to deal with.

"While you guys do that we will be notifying the warriors of their new patrol schedules, and update our pack on what's happening right now." I go to move around Aidan, but he steps in front of me blocking the door.

"Don't do this." He pleads with me looking at me as if I'm the bad guy in all of this. It pains me to fight with him, but I can't stand by and watch innocent lives be taken because I sat around and did nothing when I had the chance.

"Call the council, and sit around wasting vital time while they tell you for the hundredth time that there is nothing they can do. I'm going to go and do something about it instead of waiting around for someone else to fix it." His sad expression turns frustrated again.

"I'm not waiting for someone else to fix the problem. I have to let the council know about this so we aren't held accountable if this goes south." I slide around him heading for the door. No one tries to stop me as Emeric follows along behind me. I let Emeric step out of the room first and glance back at everyone one last time.

"Tell Ivan I said hello." I don't wait for a response before I shut the door and stomp down the hallway with Emeric right by my side. We make our way down stairs and out the back door to meet with a few of the head warriors. It doesn't take us long to find them waiting in the woods near the pack house. I hand each of them a folder containing the new strategies for when they're patrolling.

"I'm working my hardest to get this resolved, but until then I need you all to be very vigilant." They all nod their heads in agreement. "If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me or Emeric." I add.

"Where is Alpha Aidan?" One of the younger warriors asks. I sigh trying to find the best way to word my response so they don't see the strain in our partnership.

"Aidan is taking precautions to ensure no one can get in trouble for taking action against the rogues." I cringe at my answer, and even Emeric makes a face at my words. The warriors look like they have more questions than answers at the moment, but I don't have time to sit around and explain. "We'll update you all later after we lean more information." I excuse myself and start my trek to the hospital to check on our pack members in the basement bunker.

"Are you sure it's going to work?" Emeric chimes in when we are about halfway there.

"No, but I have to try." I look around to make sure their is nobody who can eavesdrop in on our conversation. The less people that know the better, and Aidan can't know about my plan at all. He would flip the fuck out if he found out. "Can you get the items undetected?"

"Yeah, it won't be that hard. When do you need them by?"

"Tonight. The sooner I can contact her the better." I whisper as the hospital comes into view. I stop walking and turn to Emeric.

"How about I quickly do this while you retrieve a phone." I suggest. He doesn't seem worried about the idea of us splitting up. He shoves his hands into his pockets looking around the area.

"Okay, but keep me updated."

"Deal. I'll mind link you when I arrive and leave every single place I go to." I promise him. He holds his pinky up to me.

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