Chapter 13

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I walk out of my bedroom and follow Violet down the hallway to our living room. Aidan's talking to Emeric and Alex with his back towards me when I walk in. He's dressed up tonight, wearing black suit pants and a white button up.

"You are so beautiful!" I'm pulled into a hug by a older woman I don't recognize. I immediately tense up because I have no clue who is holding me captive by squeezing the daylights out of me.

"Erica let the poor girl go." A deeper voice that I also don't recognize speaks up. The woman steps back letting me go. She has light brown hair with a few grey stands framing her face. Her deep green eyes are almost identical to Aidan's green eyes. I think I have my answer of who she is.

Aidan wraps his arm around my waist giving my temple a quick peck.  "Della this is my mom and Dad. Mom and Dad this is my mate Della." Aidan's dad holds his hand out for me to shake. I smile at his politeness and shake his hand.

"You can call me Axel. It's nice to meet you." I step back into Aidan who happily accepts the embrace.

"It's an honor to meet you too." Emeric walks over and slings his arm over my shoulder. He's lucky Aidan has quick reflexes otherwise he might have smacked Aidan in the face with his arm.

"Are you ready to meet all of my friends?" I can tell keeping me a secret has been hard on Emeric. I still remember when I first arrived he was the one to blabber out that they had saved a rogue.

"What friends?" I try my best to keep a straight face and not laugh. What I don't expect is for Aidan's parents to burst out laughing. Emeric frowns and walks away mocking my voice.

"I like you." Aidan's father, Axel, says and then walks over to the kitchen and motions for Aidan to follow. I'm left alone in the living room with Erica.

"Is there anyway you could give me any advice on what to expect tonight?" I can tell she is worried that she scared me off when she hugged me. She walks over to the couch and sits down patting the seat next to her.

"Of course sweetheart. I'm not sure how much Aidan has told you so I'll start from the beginning. My father was the Alpha of Black Moon Pack, so when I found Axel I didn't need to be introduced to the pack. I did however have to go through the ceremony of becoming Luna though so I can help you there."

"When we get down stairs you will wait inside while Aidan gets the pack caught up on a few things. Then he will announce that he has found his mate. You will go up on stage and introduce yourself." Introduce myself? I wish someone would have told me earlier. My eyes must have showed how scared that made me because Erica quickly reassures me. 

"You don't have to make a speech or anything. Just tell them your name and where you are from." For most people that would have made them feel better, but considering my past it won't help the pack accept me. I look to the kitchen where I know Aidan is still talking with his father.

"Did Aidan tell you where I'm from?" I have a hard time believing Erica knows anything about my past based on how well she's treating me.

"No. He is very respectful about letting others tell their own stories." I knew it. Well here goes nothing.

"My name when I was born was Della Hale. Raven and Blake Hale of Dark Mountains are my parents." I can't look her in the eye. I know she won't like me after this, but I need to tell her. She has the right to know, and I want to finish before she gets up to leave me.

"When I was fifteen they told me my mate died." I finally get the guts to look at her. She looks trouble.  "I believed them because I felt it. I was in so much pain that I passed out. That  was the night I left, telling my brother I would be back to save him. For the next eight years I was a rogue just living life day to day. I was being attacked and needed help that's how I ended up here." Still no change in her facial expression.

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