Chapter 9

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After dinner Aidan leads me to a different room than the one I was staying in before. It was on the third floor down a long hallway that held five doors. Mine was the second to last door on the right.

The inside was incredibly cozy looking. The bed was bigger than any bed I've slept in. There appeared to be a belcony behind white French doors on the far side of the room. Other than that it was pretty plain with basic nessesties such as a dresser, nightstands, and lamps.

"I thought you could make it your own." I turn toward a nervous looking Aidan still standing in the doorway. I hop on the bed and bounce a few times before settling.

"Thank you, the room is lovely." He steps in once he sees I'm more than satisfied with the room.

"My room is the last door, right next to yours." It's very thoughtful of him to give me my own room. I've heard stories where Aphas are very possessive over their mates. Most tend to force their mates to sleep in the same bed.

"Thanks for not rushing this. Not only is this something I never thought I was going to have, but it's been a while since I stayed in one place for a longer than a few days. I appreciate your patience during all the confusion and chaos." He is truly kind. I can tell by just looking into his emerald eyes. He moves to sit next to me on the bed, but keeps a respectful distance between us.

"This is new for me as well, and I want to do it right. Taking it slow allows us to get to know each other before we dive right into the deep end." I chuckle at his metaphor. "Do you want to tell me your plan now or in the morning?"
Right the plan. Tonight has been lovely but the impending conflict still sits fresh in my mind.

"Now unless you're tired." I scoot back so my back is resting against the pillows and headboard. Aidan follows mirroring my position.

"I will never be too tired for you." He looks deep into my eyes. I turn away when I feel heat rush to my cheeks. One thing I have noticed about him in the small time I've known him is that he has quite a way with words. "So that plan?" He snickers.

"If we told your pack that I'm their Luna, how long would we have until word spread to other packs?" He bobs his head back and forth thinking it through.

"I give it three days tops depending on the day."

"What if we hold a party to announce it to other Alphas?" I can tell he's battling between excitement and fear. Excited at the prospect of announcing to all that he found his mate, but fearful of the consequences of doing just that.

"What about your parents?" He looks genuinely concerned for me. It warms my heart to know that even though we barely know each other he still cares.

"They wouldn't know until they are already here. Maybe we hold a meeting instead of a party." I don't want any chance of this blowing up in our face.

"A formal meeting could work, it wouldn't arise any suspicions. My question is what are you planning to do at said party?"

"I want a safe way to talk to my brother. They can't do anything on different territory without warriors. I don't want anyone to get hurt." He grabs my hand playing with my fingers.

"We hold a meeting Friday. That gives us little less than a week to prepare. On Thursday night we tell our pack the news. How does that sound?"

"That sounds perfect." My eyes start to feel heavy. Today has definitely been the longest day of my life hands down. Aidan pulls the covers back once he sees I'm fighting sleep. I feel the warmth of the thick comforter land around my shoulders. Light sparks ignite on my forehead but only last for a few seconds.

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