Chapter 30

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"Della?" She sounds stunned, and I don't blame her. Why would I be calling her when her and Blake are trying to destroy my pack and family. I have to hold back the urge to scream at her, but the plan has to go as planned or it's all useless.

"Yeah Mom it's me." Bile rises in my throat when I use the word "mom". Thankfully it sounds like I am choked up with tears so I run with it. "I'm scarred mom." I sniffle to add the effect.

"Oh honey what's wrong?" She asks. I pull the phone away from my ear looking at it dumbfounded. What's wrong? What's wrong is you are trying to kill me and everyone I love. I guess she's taking the stance that she has no idea what is going on.

"Dad tried to have me killed. More than once too." I whimper. She sighs on the other end, and for a second I think she sees right through my bluff. "Why is he mad at me? I didn't do anything mom. I found my mate how is that a reason to have me killed?" I add to sound a little more hysterical.

"Honey I have no clue what you are talking about. Your father hasn't done anything. Is someone trying to hurt you?" I start crying loudly. Not really but it sounds like I am. Frustrated doesn't even cover how infuriating it is when she blatantly lies.

"I don't know. A girl attacked me a couple weeks ago, and the other day we had an attack. People died and I was so worried about Fletcher and his mate." I force myself to hiccup cringing at the fakeness of it, but she doesn't notice because she is to stunned at the news.

"Fletcher found his mate?" For the first time since she picked up the phone I can hear honesty behind her words. That asshole didn't tell her. He knows Fletcher is her weakness and would change her mind about certain decisions if she knew he was happily mated. I chew on my lip debating how much I want to tell her.

"Yeah mom he's found his mate." I whisper. I know she heard me because I hear her faint intake of breath. It's quiet for a moment as she processes the new information.

"I have to go honey." She rushes out. My stomach drops with dread at the tone of her voice. She sounds determined and pissed, and when she get pissed shit goes down.

"Wait can I call you again later?" I squeeze my eyes shut waiting for her response. This wasn't exactly part of the plan, but I know there is no stopping her once she set her sights on something. All she cares about at the moment is confronting Blake.

"Sure I'll talk to you later honey." Emotion is void from her voice as she quickly hangs up. I let out a large sigh of relief having gotten through that phone call without snapping. All I want to do is lay down and relax for a bit, but we need to set up near the border. Plus if I'm any later Aidan will start to ask questions.

I head east following the trails that'll lead me to Aidan. I'm drained from talking to Raven keeping up with the facade took a lot out of me. I don't know how she keeps up with all of her lies it's exhausting.

I know when I'm almost there because I can hear Aidan yelling orders. They must not have finished setting everything up. I walk around the corner to see the tents all set up, but warriors are still hauling supplies around. Aidan and Alex are standing side by side directing where to set up certain stations.

"Hey." I wrap my arms around Aidan's waist leaning up on my toes to kiss him. He seems a bit grumpy which concerns me for a second until I remember how I left him earlier. I try and fail miserably at holding in my giggles at his pouting face. He looks down at me when I can't stop giggling. A glint of mischief passes through is eyes, but is forgotten as Fletcher comes storming up to us.

"What the hell were you thinking?" He whisper yells at me. My eyes widen and I stumble back into Aidan's chest at his furious tone. Fletcher rarely gets this angry let along at me. Aidan stiffens up behind me wrapping an arm around my waist in a protective manner. Emeric and Ryder show up right behind him looking guilty. I make eye contact with Emeric to figure out what the hell is going on. When Emeric looks worried I start to panic.

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