5 Years Later

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The picture is what her mother Ying Fan would be. But with straight hair and brown eyes (I found this picture from google images. If anyone knows who is the creator please contact me) Thank you to topseey for pointing out a mistake just now.


"Ying Yue! Where are you, Ying Yue! You better pray you don't get caught or else no dinner tonight!" screams Ying Fan as she and her maids are searching for her daughter.

When she finally spots a familiar red hair and little figure at the back garden playing with a wooden sword, she sighs in relief but her anger was not lessening even a little.

"Li Ying Yue! How dare you make us worried like this! Don't you know how scared we were when your maid told us you suddenly disappear when she was back to bring you your snacks! And what did I tell you about playing with swords?"

Ying Fan was looking like a ferocious tiger as she glares at her child. This was the nth time she was caught practising swords ever since she could hold them and she was displeased because she didn't like it when her daughter's hand got hurt because of her swinging and that she wanted her child to stay at home to study instead of going outside like a boy.

"I'm sorry mother, but Ying Yue only wanted to be a great general like father one day", she swings the sword imitating what her father did and smiles in triumph as if she defeated a worthy opponent. But the smile was gone when she saw her mother's displeased look.

Ying Fan sighs and mentally remind herself to scold her husband not to practice around Ying Yue as he was setting a bad influence on the child.

"Ying Yue, how many times do I have to tell you that they do not accept women in the army and even if they did then it would be those that are strong and worthy like Fa Mu Lan", Ying Fan smiles sadly at Ying Yue.

Ying Yue got the hint and looks away from her mother.

One of the other reasons why her mother is really worried about her whole wellbeing despite being the only child of the Ying household is that she was also an unfortunate girl to have been born in a weak body that they all almost thought she would die at birth.

Which was the main reason why I got reincarnated in this world. I took over the baby's life but I doubt anyone would believe me if I told them this. Ying Yue thought.

"Which is why I am currently practising and strengthening myself so I can be healthier, mother", Ying Yue looks back at her mother with pleading eyes.

Ying Fan's anger had long been gone whenever she would face those eyes and instead, she would feel guilty as she blames herself for making her born this way (weak).

"I am sorry Ying Yue." Ying Fan apologizes making Ying Yue feel bad too.

"Don't be, mother. I was lucky enough to be born into a loving family and I will without a doubt get better as time passes by. Please, mother, help grant Ying Yue's wish to be like Fa Mu Lan and let me practice the ways of War like father, I beg of you"

Ying Fan's heart froze in terror. How is it this girl when you thought she'd give up she would fight back to prove she was right and how is it possible that she is this confident?

But like any other mother, Ying Fan disagrees with Ying Yue's wish as she doesn't want to see her daughter die at a young age. She would want her to get married and have a happy life until she grew old and happy.

Ying Yue sensed her mother wasn't going to give in so she changed the topic by saying she was hungry. But she would not give up on getting her mother to grant her wish for it was her dream at the moment. It was also her dream before she died.

Instead, she spent her time studying not only the arts of war but also secretly practising martial arts when it was nighttime. Of course, to make her mother happy she also learnt the art of dancing and music as well as cooking. She spends her time wisely until the deciding night when the incident happens.

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