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Lieutenant General Shu who was present on behalf of the Northern General Sun Bin had once fought with Du Yi when he was stationed at the Western continent. Thus, he was able to say, "General Yin does not look like Du Yi as General Yin looks younger and has a different face shape and built from Du Yi".

Yin bowed in appreciation towards Lieutenant General Shu and puts back her red and white mask before facing official Bo Qin.

Official Bo Qin knew pursuing would result in a defeat thus he kneels in front of the emperor saying, "This official is wrong, it seems that General Yin is not Du Yi and that this official friend must have been murdered by someone else"

The emperor looks at Yin and asks, "Does General Yin forgive official Bo Qin as official Bo Qin must have been worried about his friend and could not make rational decisions just then".

Yin was calm when she said, "This general only hopes that the rest does not make the same mistake in the future".

The emperor nods in understanding and reminded everyone not to question Yin's identity ever again before proceeding to reward her.

She then left early as she had no mood to entertain other people and was sure the others were glad she left as they would not be able to enjoy the mood with someone ugly as Yin.

Ting Ting had followed Yin to the entrance of the palace and wanted to leave with her but Yin said she was fine and told Ting Ting to go back to the party and look at the situation to tell her tomorrow about the gossips and events.

Ying Jun had to stay by the emperor's side and could not leave but Ying Fan was the opposite and had waited for Yin when she went back home first but Pei Zhi passed a message saying that Ying Yue would visit tomorrow instead.

But the next morning, the first thing she did was visit the imperial palace to meet the emperor. She was brought to the emperor's personal study room and had her father, General Ying Jun next to him.

They waited until it was just the three of them alone before Yin took off her mask and revealed Ying Yue's face, different from the burnt and scarred face last night.

As the emperor did not meet with Ying Yue and saw her face when she had returned like Ying Jun, he was wondering about last night's event and was glad to see that she was fine.

Ying Jun asked what had happened yesterday night.

"I had a burnt mask prepared in case that someone would ask me to take it off. About the matters with official Bo Qin, just let the matters go as I have an idea about what is going on. What I wish to report to your majesty is that the nation of Qi will come with a peace treaty and will request for a marriage with the princess to seal the deal", Yin looks at the emperor.

She then told about her meeting with Li Jian from their first battle and relayed information that she gained first-hand.

Which was that Li Jian had told Yin that he wanted to end the war as soon as possible but the person who actually started the war was his brother, the emperor of the Qi nation, Emperor Wu Guo Hang.

Yin did not believe this at first as she thought it was a trap but Li Jian had come to meet her with no ill intention and even promised not to interfere with the future fight as he only wanted to test the waters when he appeared for the first war. And that his disappearance would help the Zen nation to keep winning which was as he had said.

"If this would continue to happen then Imperial Brother would only agree to a peace treaty which would be established through marriage.", Li Jian said to Yin.

Yin had asked him "How would you know this would happen? And how will you keep your promise as you are the commander-general of Qi nation."

Li Jian only gave him a smile but his voice was void of emotion as he said, "I have ways to deal with an imperial brother so what I say will happen."

And like he had said, it did happen.

Qi nation did want a peace treaty but the emperor did not hear about them asking for the princess's hand in marriage to seal the deal. And their messengers were on their way.

"Can he be trusted?" The emperor asks Ying Yue.

As Li Jian kept his promise, Yin nod in reply and said "Yes. So, one might want to be prepared for the messengers."

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