Qi Nation

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Once the wedding was finished, Ying Yue then said her farewells and was glad she at least saw Ting Ting who had won from the Southern war. The Wolf army under Ting Ting was put under Ying Yue's rule as she wanted to be near her best friend. This is also because she needed someone she could trust to operate her army.

Ting Ting would follow her to Qi Nation when the time comes. But now Ying Yue had to return to Qi Nation with her husband, 1st Prince and Commander General Wu Li Jian to meet with the emperor.

She had already changed to casual clothing and was currently riding Blaze who was brought back by Ting Ting. The horse was happy to see its master and misses her. Now that Ying Yue was away from peering eyes, she did not use the sedan chair that was prepared and rode Blaze instead.

Her red hair was fluttering like flames and the red suit she wore (like in the picture) made her ruby eyes look vibrant and alive. Her maids could not help but become silent with their protest as they were mesmerized by their lady's look.

Even Li Jian who was accompanying her could not help but fall in love with her more as he finds Ying Yue adorable and attractive at the same time. And she was all his.

Ying Yue notice Li Jian staring at her with a loving expression and blushes before an idea passes through her thoughts.

"Why don't we have a race to reach the nearest resting place?" Ying Yue asks Li Jian with a seductive smile.

Li Jian was naturally competitive like her, so he agrees and with that the two had to race, leaving the servants behind that was frantic to catch up with their masters.

This was seen by Lan Ying who could only endure her hatred when she saw the whole wedding ceremony. And now that woman was lovey-dovey with the love of her life and she could not do anything about it.

Li Jian's right-hand man, Commander Jun Jie was still suspicious of Ying Yue and had even asked Li Jian what was his real intentions. But Li Jian's explanation was that he loves Ying Yue and truly wanted to marry her to spend their lives together. Seeing the couple scene before him, he believes this was true but he still does not approve of Ying Yue being Li Jian's wife as she is unworthy despite being equally matched with Li Jian. (A/N: Bromance jealousy I see).

He was not the only one being confused. Li Jian's servants that were in Qi Nation did not expect their master would get married anytime soon as he did not give a single ounce of attention to the other gender. Thus, they thought their master prefers the same gender which is why he likes to spend time with his men.

His butler, Senior Wang was glad this was not the case. But he also needs to meet with Ying Yue before he made his choice as he was quite loyal to his master Li Jian and adored him ever since he was a child as he saw Li Jian as his own Son. This is why he has the thinking that only those who were worthy of him was able to become his equal half.

Emperor Wu Guo Hang was also surprised. He sent his brother to go to Zen nation to choose him a bride as a sacrificial pawn but who knew Li Jian would pick a wife for himself instead and told him that there was no need to marry someone from Zen Nation as they would not suit his taste. Emperor Guo Hang was known to cherish his brother immensely that Li Jian could come and go in his palace without any complaint which shows how much he trusts him. Seeing that his brother had liked someone and married them, he let this be but he was curious about Ying Yue. How could she have gained Li Jian's love so fast and easily?

Ying Yue who had lost the race to Li Jian did not know what was she going to expect once she arrived at Qi Nation again.

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