Blackmont Flood

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Halfway through the edit, do continue reading the story since it's still the same :D


The journey to the south was quite simple from the capital as the place where they wanted to go was also in the middle of the southern areas called Blackmont.

As said before, Blackmont was currently targeted by the nomads due to its rich source of water. But thanks to Southern General Sun Chao's control at the border, the nomads are far from their target.

But because of this, General Sun Chao is also unable to help with preparations for controlling the flood that comes each year thus General Han is lacking in manpower.

With the help of General Yin's Wolf army, this problem could be solved and General Han could not thank Yin enough for lending a hand.

The preparation for the flood was simple, it was to create artificial levees from a mixture of sand, dirt and cement that hopefully could last until the coming years. But the weather was not helping as the rain would easily dissolve the mixture and make it run downstream.

This problem was solved by Yin as she told them to prepare some wood around the river and made a container to contain the cement and had a tent prepared to protect it from the rain. This continued until they were satisfied with the work and Yin's reputation had once again risen amongst the soldiers as they respected him.

*Yin did not use her powers here because she only uses them when she needs to. No need to disrupt the flow of nature, to begin with, and attract needless attention if you realized it. :)

Even though they made progress, the rain was still not stopping thus the water in the river had become more rapid and higher and higher until it had reached the height of the artificial levees that they had made.

"This won't last long!" Yin yelled to the soldier as the rain was interrupting her voice. "Get the citizens above a higher ground and protect them!"

The soldiers did as they were told until they had secured the citizens up a higher ground.

Ting Ting was with Yin when she heard a child's cry and did not continue with her as she went back to the lower area to find the source of the sound.

Yin saw this and yelled out Ting Ting's name but her voice was drowned out and she could only follow her back downhill as they went through the woods and saw a child around the age of 5 crying as she sat on the tree.

The child must have gotten lost as she wanted to return home. Ting Ting had grabbed the child but the water level had already gone past the levees so now the land was flooded.

Yin had used Element to merge with the water and swam towards Ting Ting. But the water was like a raging beast as it changed directions. But Yin managed to reach both the child and Ting Ting and cut the wood near them as she constructs a boat out of the tree and put the two inside.

Ting Ting coughed out water and looked at the child who had passed out. But thankfully the child was still breathing and coughed out water too.

Ting Ting was about to help Yin go up the boat when the current made a worse turn and drifted the two apart.


Yin could still breathe underwater due to Element's help but what use was it when she couldn't swim as she wanted as mother nature was more powerful than her. Yin could freeze the water but this could lead to other problems and the other alternatives that were not that good as if she changes the element then she could not last underwater that long thus she was in a bind.

She could only follow where the water brought her and even lost consciousness as she fell asleep due to working nonstop for creating the levees.

Ting Ting had gone worried for Yin as she was nowhere in sight but she could do nothing and took care of the child beside her, hoping Yin would be safe somewhere and would hate it if something happened to her.

"Please be safe", Ting Ting mutter as she looks helpless at the flood.

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