The Truth

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Ting Ting being the first one to catch Yin was in despair. How could her beloved be covered in cuts and bruises that were slowly forming?

Blaze who had retreated to a safe distance away from the strikes had come back and gone to Yin and Ting Ting.

Northern General Sun Bin had also arrived at where they were and said, "Bring her back and treat her well later".

Ting Ting was confused about why did the general call Yin her. But she did not object as with the help of Ting Yi, they carried Yin onto Blaze's back.

She then realizes that Yin's sword, Element was still pierced on the ground and tried to retrieve it but since Ting Ting was not the chosen one, Element did not move and thus stayed on the ground.

General Sun Bin saw this and tried to get the sword out thinking Ting Ting was just weak from the war. But even he could not take the sword out from the ground.

Ting Ting then explained that the sword only responds to the chosen one which was currently Yin and it will not accept any other's touch.

They thought to dig the ground around the sword instead and had brought it over using two horses and they drag the sword back to the campsite while Ting Ting rode Blaze and brought Yin back to the doctor's tent.

She did not want to leave Yin's side until she was forced out by the doctor. She was only let inside once the doctor had finished treating Yin.

"Your friend here seems to have fallen in a comatose state. We are not sure when she will wake up again", the doctor said.

Indeed, Yin had actually overexerted herself by almost using her life force when she did not have any qi for splitting the land apart. It was a risk but she had to do it or else she knew she would not win. Now she had to sleep to recover back the energy she had lost.

Ting Ting nods in understanding and sat beside Yin, holding her hand begging her to wake up soon as she was worried.

The doctor then asked Ting Ting if Yin had another injury before this as she was covered in bandages.

"Yin said he had a horrible scar on his back which is why he bandages his back", Ting Ting explained.

The doctor was surprised. "The soldier does not have any scar on her back? Are you sure about this?"

Now she was the one surprised. Ting Ting had to peek on Yin's back and indeed there was no scar. That was when she notices the two lumps on her front.


It took her a while to realize that Yin was actually a girl all along! It could be confusing since she was wearing a mask and the mask was still on her face since the doctor tried to take it off but since the mask was glued strongly and can only be removed by using a knife, he did not dare to do anything.

Ting Ting was shocked. All these times she did not realize the person she love was actually a girl!

'But why was she disguising herself as a guy?' Ting Ting wonder. And it seems that indeed the general was right to use 'her' when he referred to Yin.

Ting Ting was confused but after coming to an understanding, she decided to wait until Yin would wake up because, in the end, Yin was her friend. Male or female, this did not matter much.

Ting Ting then asked if she could take care of Yin by herself, which the doctor approved as the cuts were not deep though the bruises were quite severe, they were not that life-threatening if treated daily.

With that, Yin was brought back to her tent where Ting Ting would personally take care of her. The doctor would visit every day and Ting Ting would clean Yin's body as well as apply the medicine given by herself to Yin's body.

Ting Yi was quite disturbed that his little sister was taking care of a single man by herself and offered to help and take over. But Ting Ting was brutal and rejected her brother making sure not to leave Yin's side unless she had to take a toilet break.

This was because she realizes that she must have her reasons for hiding her secret and besides The General and Ting Ting and the doctor, no one else should know unless Yin told this to the person herself.

As time passes by, Ting Ting was still worried as Yin had shown no sign of waking up. She was currently on her third day of sleeping and had asked multiple questions to the doctor. She also made sure the doctor to keep Yin's gender a secret to which he swore to keep it to the grave as Ting Ting threatened to kill him. He was also a good and respectable man which was why Ting Ting tries to believe in him as she waits for Yin to wake up.

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