Chapter 19 A Married Leader

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Natalie's pov

"Are we done?" I asked.

"No!" he replied.

"Oh come on! I'm tired and we've been doing this all day! Can't we just stop?"

"Just another hour and then you're free."

"You've been saying this for the last so many hours. Please Damon! I'm tired." I muttered.

"Fine! We're done for today!"

I hurriedly kept the gun on the side table taking off my glasses and soundproof headphones off my ears and getting out of the practice room.

We've been practising, actually I've been practising for days now. Every day I've to get up early do my work outs and then gun training takes place.

Days have passed, my leg's good. Now I can walk much better.

I jog to my room and straight to the shower. My body feels sweaty and smells a lot right now.

Stripping out of my clothes, I jump into the cold water. I stretch my hand to get the shampoo. Squeeze some of my vanilla scented shampoo on my hand, rubbing it between my fingers and massaging my hair softly.

After massaging for a long time, I wash the shampoo from my hair and turn off the tap. Taking two white big fluffy towels. I use one to wrap my hair and another to cover my body.

I get out of the bathroom walking to the closet. Opening the drawers and wardrobes, choosing my outfit, changing into them and getting out of my room.

While checking my Instagram, I walk to the kitchen to feed myself. As soon as I reach I the kitchen, I keep my phone on the counter and search for something to eat.

But then Sophie comes in and stops me.

"I've got the food ready. Just came back from serving it. So you can go there."

"Thanks a lot. I was so hungry." I smiled and walked the dining table.

My nose was filled with delicious scent of the food. There were omelets, litchi juice, fried bacon, toasted bread and butter kept next to it. I sat down in my chair, grabbing a plate, I served myself with toasted bread with butter spread on it and made a sandwich by adding the omelet and a slice of bacon in between two bread slices, then I poured myself a glasses of litchi juice and enjoyed my meal.

"If you're going to each so much then how will you fit into a dress?" I was interrupted by Damon while having my delicious food.

"Why do you care?" I grunt.

"Tonight we're going to a party. Mafia party. All leaders are going to be there. You need to look your best. I've got a dress for you. My men have kept it outside your room. So you should stop eating and go check out the outfit."

I didn't stop myself from eating my food. Why should I? I wont leave my food just to fit in a dress. Naah. I won't.

"Care to elaborate what the party is?"

"It is an international party, where Mafia Leaders from all over the world join together to sign a peace treaty and to make alliances with the ones they find suitable."

"Okay! And why am I needed there?"

"I'm a leader. A married leader. So I need to have my partner with me. And Carter and Mason will be there with the girls. So be ready at 6:30."

Knowing that the girls will be there. I was happy knowing that. So I quickly finished my breakfast and went up to my room.

Outside my room on the floor just touching the door were kept three boxes.

I bent down and picked up the boxes and they were heavy.

What did he put in here?

I kept the boxes in my room on the couch. Opening the boxes one by one.

The largest one had a blue gown. It was beautiful. I took it to the mirror and placed on my body. It looked beautiful. The other box had a pair of blue heels. And the smallest had a few accessories matching to the outfit.

Everything was overall beautiful and I loved it. And this proved that Damon's choice wasn't that bad. Actually it's great.

At around noon I called Jasmine and Ariana to talk about their outfits and all.

"Guys. What are you wearing tonight?" I asked.

"I can't come!" Ariana said.

"What? Why?" Jass and I asked at the same time.

"I've to go meet mom. She's been calling for a few days. She said it's been a long since I met her. And that is true. After I moved in with Carter. I've not even called her. So I really need to go today. And in fact I'm leaving in an hour only."

Knowing that she won't be there I was sad.

"Jass you're coming right? Please you also don't ditch me." I pleaded.

"Actually, uhh, Nat here's the thing." sweat was forming on her forehead. And I understood that she also won't be there.

"Okay! What's your reason?"

"I have some assignments to complete and they're due tomorrow."

After that we talked what I'll be wearing tonight. When I told them that Damon chose the dress. They totally shipped us. And I didn't know what to say. We talked for almost an hour before going back to our lives back.

I sat there in my bed for sometime doing nothing just staring at the wall. My legs folded touching my chest with my hands supporting. It feels weird, not even an year ago I had plans of doing so much. Completing my studies, travelling around the world, getting a job and making my mom proud. And just one birthday, eighteenth birthday, changed everything. My dreams, my plans crashed down in front of my eyes, everything falling apart. I don't even know if I'll be able to complete my education.

I realized that I've sitting like this for a long time when someone knocked the door. I stood up from my bed, walking towards the door to answer it. I opened the door to have Mason standing there with three girls carrying huge boxes. Boxes or whatever they were.

"Can I come in?" he asked politely.

"Yeah sure." I got back from the door and he entered closing the door behind him. For once I was scared that why he closed the door. 'Hey, what's the matter?" I asked hesitantly looking between him and the door again and again.

I guess he understood what I said and opened the door a bit. "Nat! Nothing to worry bout. Your my sister. Leave that for now and listen. Big bro got a three girls to get you ready for tonight's event. They'll get you ready by the time and trust me I got professionals for you."

I smiled "But I can get ready on my own."

"Sorry sis. Can't ignore the boss's orders." he opened the door full letting the people in. "Guys! My sister should look beautiful and make sure my Big Bro falls as soon as he sees her."

I laughed. After Mason left the professionals introduced themselves and then they started.


So, how was it? Hope you guys like it. And how is everyone's quarantine going? Do let me know in the comment section.

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