Chapter 27 I Missed My Periods

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Natalie's pov

It has been a whole month and two weeks that I have been ignoring Damon. Whenever I walk past him I'll look away or change my route or fake use my phone.

I woke up a few minutes ago with nauseous feeling, I run to the bathroom and puke everything out of my system. It takes me a few seconds to be back on my feet. I brush my teeth and then get dressed into a sports bra, a pair of yoga pants and a tank top on top of the bra and sports shoes.

I go downstairs and jog around the mansion then going to the home gym working out for a while and then heading back to my room with a water bottle in my hand. I twist the door knob and push the door inwards. Slamming my butt on my bed and drinking water I relax.

I take my phone from the night stand and opening my Instagram I hear the door knock.

"Come in." the door opened revealing Alec.

"Ma'am, Mr. Queen wants to see you for some work." he said.

"Tell him I'm not interested." I said.

"Ma'am, he said it's important and others will be there too."

"Others? You mean Jasmine, Mason and all?" I asked. He nodded. "Fine! What time?"

"At noon." I nodded and he left closing the door behind him.

I look at the time and I had two hours before the so called 'gang meeting' so I decided to hit the shower. After a long relaxing warm shower I get dressed into a Grommet Lace-up Open Back Crop Top and a pair of classic denim shorts with sneakers. I tied my long hair into a ponytail and headed to the kitchen.

Sophie had already set the breakfast, I think I can't do anything without her in this house. I grab a plate serving pancakes and pouring some maple syrup on top of them with a glass of Oreo shake that I told her I'll have with my breakfast.

After breakfast I still had an hour before the meeting, so I decided to take the dogs for a walk. It has been so long since I have spent time with them. I took them out to the garden where we played catch. I would throw the ball and they would catch it and give it to me and I would throw it again.

I already felt tired also the alarm which I set to remind me for the time for the meeting turned off. It was time that I actually had to face him.

I don't wanna see his face. I walked as slow as I could to his office. I was not at all ready to face him. He hurt me a lot, a lot.

Finally I was outside his office, I knocked the door and hear a come in so I went past the door. Everyone was there, Jasmine, Ariana, Carter, Mason , Alec and of course Damon sitting in his desk and others sitting either on the couch or the seats in front of the desk. I walked and sat on the couch next to Ari.

"Since everyone is here, let's start the meeting. Ladies! I need you to call that guy. What was the name?"

"Nathan" I answered.

"Yeah. Nathan. You will tell him that we are planning to attack them in five days from now." he said.

"What?" we three asked together in confusion.

"Yes, you have to tell them that we are getting ready for a war." Mason added.

"Why would you want to have a war?" Ari asked.

"Let's just say we have some unfinished business with them and it's time to clean up some mess." Damon said.

"So what do we do now?" Jass asked.

"Natalie, call that Nathan guy from your phone, talk to him tell him what we told you and make sure you sound suspicious." Damon said.

I took out my phone from the back pocket of my shorts and dialed Nathan's number. In a few seconds he answered and I put the call on loudspeaker.

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