Chapter 40 Babies Are Fine

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Natalie's pov

The next morning I was so tired, my eyes felt very heavy and it took me a couple of minutes to properly get out of the bed and go to the washroom. Damon was already up and was in the washroom taking a shower when I walked in.

"I'm sorry." I said walking out but he stopped me by pulling my hand.

"You're my wife. And I think we can use the washroom at the same time for different things." he said. I turned around and started doing my business. After I was done he pulled me into the shower.

Slowly his hand trailed down my body taking off my night suit and kissed.

"Okay! We got to go to the doc's today. Get dressed and lemme take a shower." I said.

"I'm not done yet, I want a shower with you." he mumbled like a baby.

"Damon." I said sternly.

"Fine! I'm going." he said pulling his hands in the air.

I laughed while he wrapped a towel around his torso and he left. I quickly took a shower and got out to get ready. It was pretty cold so I wore a V-neck hand knit woolen brown sweater with a pair of black jeans with sneakers and a hoodie. Keeping my phone in my pocket I went downstairs to have breakfast and Damon was serving. That was quite a shock but never mind.

We had our breakfast and left for the doctor's. After reaching the hospital, he parked the car and we walked into the building. We waited in the waiting area before it was time for my appointment.

The check up procedure was done smoothly and didn't take a lot of time. We were in Doctor Shah's office to talk about the check up.

"Well, there is nothing to worry about. The babies and the mother are totally fine." he said.

"That's great!" Damon exclaimed.

"The babies?" I asked.

"Oh! I think the nurse didn't tell you. Mr. and Mrs. Queen, you are going to have twins." the doc said.

That was a huge thing. I had a mixed feeling. A part of me was happy but another part of me was scared.

"We're gonna have twins?" Damon asked.

"Yes Mr. Queen." doc confirmed.

"Twins? You mean two? We're gonna have two kids?" he was more shocked than me.

Yes sir, two kids." doc laughed.

"I think we should go. That is a lot for one day." I said. Dr. Shah's nodded his left, we stood up and left.

"We'll have two babies." Damon said while walking out of the hospital.

"Is that wrong?" I asked nervously.

"What? N-No it's not. But I never thought about having even a child and now I'm having two. It's just scary. How will we take care of them?" he said.

"I think it is a blessing Damon. People do so much to have their own baby and we're blessed with two. And we'll manage, it might be difficult but we'll do it. For our children. It'll take time for us to manage and understand their pattern and everything but we will do it." I put my hand on his shoulder to relax him.

We were in the car when he asked something I never expected him to. "Am I gonna be a good father? What if I do something wrong? What if I hit them or teach them something wrong?"

"Damon, nothing wrong will happen. You'll be a great father. Just like your father, you'll be a great father as well. Why would you think that? We both are in this right?" he nodded. "So? We'll do everything. And we have Jass, Ari, Carter and Mason, they will help us. You know that." I hugged him across my seat.

Later we went home.

A Few Months Later-

"I look so fat." I said annoyingly looking at myself in the mirror.

"No babe. You are beautiful." Damon said kissing my cheek.

"Don't lie! Look at me, I'm thirty five weeks pregnant and look at my baby bump. I look so fat." I scold him.

"Okay fine, you got a little fat but it's okay babe. There are two babies in you. So it's okay. After your delivery you'll be back to being slim or should I say hot?" he said naughtily.

I playfully punched him in the shoulder when his phone rang.

"Yeah, I'm coming." he said and stood up.

"What happened? Who was that?" I asked.

"Mason needs help with some work. I'll be back in a few hours." he said kissing my forehead and left.

I had nothing so I decided to watch a show and pass some time. It was an hour later I felt hungry and went down to the kitchen to get some chips.

I looked through all the shelves and cabinets but there were none.

"You need something?" Sophie asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"I was looking for chips. But I think they aren't here." I said.

"I'll ask someone to get them for you." she said.

"No-no. I'll go and get some myself." I said.

"But..." I stopped her.

"No buts, I'll get them on my own." I shouted walking out of the kitchen to the living room to get my car keys.

I got into my car and drove off to the nearest grocery store. I remembered that Alec wasn't following me this time cause no one except Sophie knew that I was out. It was while I was driving I noticed a car. A black car with tinted windows was behind me for a while now.

I drove quicker than usual to the grocery store and after reaching I parked my car, waited inside if the car was there or not. I looked around and it wasn't. I got out of the car, locked it and started to walk into the store. Suddenly the sound of tires speeding around me came to my ears. I turned around, the same black car was there and it stopped right in front of where I was standing.

The door opened and two men in black clothes came out with their faces covered. I tried to run into the store but they were quicker, one of them took me on to his shoulder and threw into the back seat of the car. The door shut and I taken away.

I screamed and shouted at the top of my voice asking for help and to let me go but no one listened. One of the men covered my eyes with a blindfold another tied my hands and wrapped a cloth around my mouth.

I couldn't do anything. It all happened in just a few seconds that I was left clueless.

After sometime the car stopped and someone took me on their shoulder and was settled into a chair with my hands tied to the hands of the chair and my legs bundled up together. The last thing I heard was the sound of a door being shut.

I think it was after hours when a door opened, a few footsteps came towards me and my blindfold was taken off. I adjusted to light in the room and I was taken aback when I saw who it was.

"You? How are you here? How is this possible?" I asked with shock all over me.

"Confused what am I doing here?" he said.


I'll publish the next chapter only when I'll have a minimum of 20 votes!!! Guys I'm taking out time for you all and not studying. You could do this for me right?

Okay! Getting back to the chapter. Who do you think this guy is? Make your guesses in the comment section and you'll get to know soon.

Stay Home! Stay Safe!

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