Chapter 31 What Do You Mean Both?

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So before starting the chapter I want to say a few things. All that I have written below is what I feel. Please if something I wrote down there gets to you in a wrong way, then I'm sorry. I have no intentions of hurting anyone. And I'm not writing all this because one Bollywood celebrity. But I have been thinking about mental health for a way long time. And being a psychology student I feel it's my responsibility to talk bout it.

Guys the song above is for Late Sushant Singh Rajput. Rest In Peace sir. To those who don't know who he is you search about him. He was a very talented person. Personally I was a fan of him. I still am. I always will be.

On 14 June 2020 Sunday he took his life. Why? He was suffering from depression. I cried a lot that day. Bollywood lost another star, another gem.

Today I'm talking about him because, I feel that it's high time that people in India start giving mental health equal importance as physical health. Mental health is very big thing. You need to focus on that as well. Not only for Indians but it's for all of my readers to go and just for a few minutes talk to your close ones, your friends and family. Spend some time with them.

Not only Sushant but no one should be having so much of mental pressure that they have to take such a big step. Guys if any of you are going through any sort of mental physical pain. Please, I am begging you, talk to someone. And if you think that you don't know who to talk to. You can text me. I'm not a psychologist but I can hear your problem and I promise I'll my best to help you.

No matter what how much you are in, it'll go away. It will take time but it will go away. And please promise yourself that you won't take any step like this in your life no matter what happens. Don't promise me or your friends or your family, promise yourself.

No matter what mistakes you makes or how pain you are going through you aren't the one to decide if you want this life or not. Even though it is dark now but the sun will rise again. There will be light again.

So yeah that's all I wanted to say if you read it thank you very much and if you didn't it's okay.

One more thing -


Damon's pov

We stopped walking and looked at the people held captive when I noticed Natalie was behind us.

"We have to get Nat out of here." Jasmine said with horror in her eyes.

"What?" Mason asked.

"That old man in the chair is her dad. He has been dead for years now. She won't be able to take this. How is he even alive?" Ariana said pointing at an old man. I looked at Natalie and so did the others.

"Distract her, take her back." I said.

"Guys what's happening? You all look like you've seen a ghost." she joked.

"Nat let's get out of here." Jasmine took her hand taking in the opposite direction of the car.

She pulled her hand away from Jasmine's and walked stopping right next to me. "I need to know what is going on." She looked there, then at me and then again there. She saw him.

She stood there tear escaping her eyes. "Dad?" And she passed out.

I pulled her into my arms. "Nat." Ariana shouted.

"We need to get her out of here. Mason, the work has been done, you get the security out after Carter takes these people to the outhouse. The girls, Alec and I will take Natalie to the hospital. It's closer than home." I ordered and everyone understood their work.

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