Chapter 37 She Died

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Natalie's pov

We started the wedding preparations the very next day and today me and the girls were going for the dress shopping. We're very near to the wedding date, October is almost over and the preparations are very much done. I always wanted an Indian wedding but somehow I knew it wasn't possible even though I had Sejal to help me.

Indian weddings are very hectic but fun. So I had to make myself understand that I can't have an Indian Style wedding just because of the rituals and being pregnant Sejal suggested not to go for it.

We all decided to meet at the wedding dress shop, earlier we were going to Jass' place and then for shopping but it would be more time taking.

"Let's get started girls!" Ariana cheered. We walked looking for the perfect dress but I was confused.

"Ma'am can I help you?" someone said behind me. I turned around and saw it was a middle aged lady who worked there.

"Yeah sure." I smiled.

"You are looking for a dress for yourself?" she asked and I nodded. "Let me take measures and I'll get something that will look good on you." she said. The lady walked to a dummy, grabbed the measuring tape and came back to me. She took my measurements and asked us to wait there.

The sales working lady came back with a few pieces in her hands. She put the dresses on the hangers and showed them one by one. She put the dresses one by one on me in front of the mirror, I really didn't like the dresses much and neither did the girls.

"Ma'am I'll get some more dresses to choose from." the sales lady said and walked away. We sat there when a dress caught my eye. I stood up from the chair and walked to the dress, grabbing it I came in front of the mirror and I paused.

"Girls!" I called them and they looked up at the dress.

"Wow!" they both said.

"I think this would look beautiful on you ma'am." the sales lady came back and said after looking at this dress.

"Go try it out Nat." Jasmine ushered me to the changing room.

I got out of my clothes and put that dress on and I was in awe. I came out of the changing room and walked to them. They were talking but then stopped when they saw me.

"You definitely need to buy this dress." Jass said.

I was in love with the dress. "I'll change and please pack this dress." I said to the lady and she nodded.

It wasn't a very big thing buying a wedding dress. I thought that it might take a lot of time or maybe a day or two to get the perfect dress. I think I'm lucky that I got it sooner than expected.

Now, since we were done with my dress shopping we decided to get the bridesmaid dress and then we would get the footwear and accessories together from the same place.

We drove to Camille La Vie. I knew that they have bridal outfits as well but I never wanted to buy from them. After a half an hour drive we were in front of the showroom.

We got in and looked for dresses. It was already decided that the girls would be wearing the same dresses. We went with the theme of rose gold. I wanted my bridesmaids to wear either something champagne pink or petal pink that would go with theme.

Luckily we found the perfect dresses in petal pink shade. The sun had set when we completed our dress shopping and I had no energy left in me to shop shoes. We decided to go the next day for the left out stuff.

I reached home around 8 and Sophie was done preparing the meal. I straight went to Damon's office cause I knew he would be there. Reaching the office, I knocked the door and on hearing a come in I went in.

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