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The mansion was big, and for a second I thought I was in a castle. The paintings and the sculptures, all of them might be good enough to sell, then I turned towards right and right there I heard a voice.

"The madam is quite pitiful after she gave birth; the lord went out to war!" a voice that is filled with concern said.

"I know right, how could he do that to our madam? She is nice, kind, and gentle!"

"Shush now! Get back to your duties before the madam woke- Madam!"

Several pairs of eyes looked at me, their eyes were either filled with pity or sadness, either way, and all of them were seemingly concerned towards the madam of this house. I gave them a slightly awkward smile then the middle-aged lady with her perfect bun, black glasses framing her face immediately bow to me and the rest copied her actions.

"Good morning Madam"

"Uhh.......good morning?" I said in a high squeaky voice indicating my nervousness.

"Madam, where are your slippers? Robert! Give the madam a pair of slippers!" shouted the middle-aged lady. "Forgive us, madam, I am once again Mrs. Bertia and I am the head of the maids, we welcome you to our humble abode," she said and bow again as the rest does too.

All I could do was to bow as she did and then several people gasp from my action.


What did I do?

They look at me as if I murdered their grandparents, eyes bulging out as if they pop out, jaws slacked in undeniable shock, I stay rooted to my spot only looking at their faces.

"-cough- Well Madam, you have been out for three days so you must feel extremely famished-"

"Three days? Did I hear that right?! Three freaking whole days?!" I shouted in disbelief.

They once grew shocked at my outburst and erupted into murmurs and noises.

"Enough! You may all go, I think the Madam is still weak and need recuperation" The head Maid named Mrs. Bertia said as she ushered the maids to leave us.

"Uhm...is what you....you said t-true? I've been out for three days?" I said in a squeaky panicked tone.

"That is true Madam, you have been asleep for three days but do not fret for the young master and the young miss is in good health" She said as she leads me back to the big bedroom I escaped from.

My ears must be failing again for me to hear such a word. What does she mean by the young master and young miss? Who are they to me?

The only thing I remember when I pass out was a truck- what?

I-I died?

Memories flowed into my head, the truck hitting me when I was just walking straight into a pedestrian lane, the pain and the thick smell of blood, then the searing pain from my lower body, ginger being pushed into my mouth.

And then the sound of a wailing newborn.

Then I passed out.

Have a great day everyone! Stay safe and healthy!


Thank you!

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